Trailer Park Cosmology – 7

Chapter Ten – Seeing Is Believing

Uncle Smith taught me it’s okay to live unconventionally. My father taught me to question the wisdom of convention. Their influence, to my thinking, has kept me open-minded and aware. The events I’m about to relate, however, cracked my skull open. They made me realize ‘conventional wisdom’ isn’t wisdom at all.

The first event occurred in 2004, when I ran into something that isn’t supposed to exist. In the coastal mountains of California, I saw the scary, hairy man-ape of the forest – Bigfoot.

SAM_0559 (2)
The trail head at the Wilderness boundary

I didn’t glimpse a distant patch of fur that might have been a bear, or any creature found in textbooks. In broad daylight, at close range, I saw a naked, hairy, bipedal creature run past me faster than any human can move. If you want the full account and exact location in the Sespe Wilderness, it’s in my blog titled, My Encounter.

Skeptics say people don’t remember things well and their mind fills in the blanks with what they invent. Confirmation bias, they call it. Confirmation bias is something that scientists are prone to, because they often find the results they seek even when they aren’t there, and ignore the things that don’t fit. Surveys have shown that results in some areas of science, especially sociology and medicine, which rely heavily on statistical analysis, can’t be replicated for a majority of published papers. They attribute this fault not to themselves, but to anyone else they choose not to believe.

Skeptics also like to attribute Bigfoot sightings to hoaxes. A hoax is a lie – a fraud on unsuspecting people. It may be funny, but it’s as despicable as any lie. People don’t generally invent elaborate lies for no reason. It seems the main reason they do, besides just to be mean, is to get attention, or make money.

Few credible reports of Bigfoot sightings have a financial, or need-to-be-noticed motive behind them. Quite the opposite. Descent people are discouraged from reporting sightings for fear of ridicule. If you listen to witnesses, especially the older accounts, you will note similar behaviors.

They will say, “I don’t know what I saw”, because it does not fit anything in their experience. They often won’t volunteer their tale unless pressed, or in the company of others who have also experienced it. And many times, they don’t want to be identified. It’s changing now as people become more open about encounters, but fifteen years ago that wasn’t the case.

My reaction was to not believe what I saw.

I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t acknowledge it to myself. At first, I believed it had to be a human. I only saw its legs as it ran past – tree branches obscured my view of the upper body. But what I saw were naked, hairy legs in full sunlight, less than a stone toss away. There were no shoes and no pants. I could see calf and thigh muscles bulging, covered in grey hair, with ankles as big as my thigh. It’s steps thudded the ground like pile drivers.

The old campsite by an abandoned water catchment – Sespe Wilderness

Sasquatch field researchers call this a bluff charge. At the time I didn’t know anything of Bigfoot behavior. It apparently hid in the brush watching me for about fifteen minutes as I poked around an old campsite, totally unaware of it’s presence.

It broke out of this thick brush

I suppose I got too close to it’s hiding place, or it got tired of waiting for me to leave. It suddenly broke cover from dense brush a few feet away, snapping branches as loud as gunshots, and thundered past, scaring the crap out of me. I was completely alone, hadn’t seen another person all morning, and couldn’t imagine what just happened. One moment was peace, calm, and I thought, solitude. The next moment, a monster thundered past.

The brush it charged from, taken from the old campsite
It ran up-slope to the left through this clearing, taken from where I stood when it happened

I didn’t stick around to investigate. I was shaken and scared and left immediately. By the time I got home I’d convinced myself I must have seen a very big, half naked guy farming pot in the mountains. I imagined he thought I was a Ranger and ran. It was the only explanation I could come up with. The idea it was a Bigfoot did cross my mind, but I reacted with conventional wisdom, telling myself, “No way!”

The incident made me curious (or maybe larcenous) enough to return the next week and look for the pot farm, though. Like I said, confirmation bias. Had I put everything into context, I might not have. Years before, a good friend, and experienced outdoors-man who grew up near the Sespe, told me with all seriousness they were in there. I thought he was pulling my leg.

I went back to the place where this thing ran and found a path. The path wasn’t marked on the map. So, thinking it might lead to some illicit farming activities, I followed it. Three miles up a canyon to a ridge, I looked down the other side into a peaceful, wooded canyon. It was way off any marked trails. Forgetting about what happened the prior week, I set down the slope. I got about a hundred yards into the canyon when something screamed at me.

It was screaming at me, no mistaking it. The sound didn’t echo from the distance – it hit me like a brick in the face. The volume and nature of the harsh, screeching scream made me think of a dinosaur. Afterwards, there was total silence. Birds stopped flying. Bees stopped buzzing. A still heat swallowed me and my knees buckled. A thought entered my mind that I swear wasn’t mine. It said, “You don’t belong here – LEAVE NOW.”

I did, retracing my steps to the ridge as fast as I could up the steep slope. Lower down the slope I heard heavy steps pacing me.

Once I reached the ridge, I ran. I’ve been in the woods alone many times and seen bears and menacing wildlife of all kinds. More than once, I’ve even had bullets zing past my head from the most dangerous creature of all – human idiots with guns. But I’ve never felt the need to run. Whatever screamed sounded like T-Rex, and it was following me.

I hurried in a cold sweat six miles to my truck and locked the doors. By the time I reached home, I convinced myself what I’d heard was machinery. There was simply no thing living  that could have made that sound. The footsteps I heard must have been my own heartbeat. But six miles into a Federally protected Wilderness Area, in a remote canyon with no roads, I knew machinery was forbidden by law. Cognitive dissonance and denial set in, and I simply stopped thinking about it and abandoned hiking that trail for the rest of the time I lived in California.

Years later, I happened upon a YouTube channel that played recordings of purported Bigfoot vocalizations. Suddenly, the whole experience came flooding back. The recording I heard was the same scream. Since then I’ve obsessed over Bigfoot, and the truth of what I saw. Like many people who have an encounter – it won’t let go.

In Arizona, I’ve found places where they live. I’ve not seen one again, but I’ve smelled them, heard wood knocks, rock knocks, distant screams and whoops. I’ve seen what they do with trees. I’ve followed their trails, found their hollows, and their big, fibrous, tubular poops and footprints. I now believe my lying eyes and the hell with conventional wisdom.

I’ve returned twice to the Sespe wilderness, to the old campsite where I saw it, and the canyon where it screamed. I even took my youngest daughter backpacking there, hoping to show her some evidence. There is nothing like Bigfoot hunting for family fun.

Bailey and Ginger at the campsite in Sespe Wilderness
Uncaring father who used his daughter as Bigfoot bait

Knowing what to look for, I found many signs they’re still there. I fear them, but I have the dangerous curiosity of a cat. I want to see one again. I also believe they have no inherent fear of us, or mean us any harm. They just don’t want us in their woods.

This has nothing to do with Electric Universe, but everything to do with no longer accepting what consensus authorities want us to believe. The Forest Service knows about these creatures. It can’t be otherwise, because they are not a rare thing. Forest Rangers, game wardens, Search and Rescue and rural law enforcement get reports and no doubt have their own encounters. But they aren’t talking about it, at least not on the record.

The other event was seeing a UFO. I’m agnostic about alien visitations, and seeing an unknown craft in the sky isn’t cause to jump to that conclusion. It just confirms what we all know – the government keeps secrets.

This happened five years ago, on a moonless summer night. I happened to be looking at the stars directly overhead. Just past midnight, Cygnus dominated the sky and I was studying it, leaned back in a lawn chair. Directly into my sight came a flying triangle, at what appeared to be no more than a few thousand feet above me. I stretched out my arm and my hand barely covered it, so it was either very low, or very big. There was nothing to provide perspective in the night sky.

It flew in total silence, with no lights. There was a dull orange glow from round features on the underside, which I took to be the reflection of city lights on some kind of reflective orbs, or apertures. It flew straight and level, about the speed of a small aircraft – I’d guess about two hundred miles per hour. I stood-up and watched it fly into the distance, incredulous at what I was seeing.

Near our home is an Air Force base, and an Army base. This craft flew Southeast, in the general direction of these military facilities, so I assumed it was heading to one, or the other. It was not a B-2, or F-117, or any acknowledged aircraft. Having a degree in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, I’m familiar with aircraft. This was a flat triangle, shaped like a Dorito chip. It’s known among UFO enthusiasts as the TR3b.

21f7724a690f263796f149750f64b4f4--football-field-crop-circlesAccording to many who claim to know, it is a nuclear powered craft that uses a fluid-mercury ring-current to disrupt gravity and reduce it’s mass. I don’t claim to know if this is true. Since I do think we live in an Electric Universe, however, I find this explanation quite plausible. Regardless of it’s lift and propulsion means, it’s evidence to me that we are not being told everything there is to know.

Which brings me once again to doubt anything the consensus authorities tell us to believe. If such a craft is what they say, our government knows gravity is electric. The Big Bang religion they teach is for the masses to believe, and the deep state, military industrial complex that needs money for war, like a vampire needs blood, is lying to us. Or perhaps there really are alien visitors, and we are being lied to about that. Either way, big lies are hiding the truth.

Chapter Eleven – The Problem With Science

I said before I think consensus scientists are honest, smart, well meaning people who believe what they are taught, like the rest of us are expected to do. The average scientist is blind beyond the confines of their accepted secular belief system, just as religious zealots disbelieve anything outside of their dogma.

The simple principle behind Trailer Park Cosmology is that the universe we live in is what we see, not hidden away in make-believe dimensions. Time and space are simply measurements, not the fabric of the universe. The workings of Nature are exposed for us to understand. We just need to pay attention.

Nature shows it’s form in what I call fractal symmetry. It’s not a symmetry of mirror images, but symmetry of forms that repeat themselves in every physical process across all scales of the Universe.

universe2So let’s look at the Universe. It’s a web of plasma filaments connecting galaxies together. It’s like a tangled web of Christmas lights when you remove them from storage and plug them in to see if they still work, before untangling the mess to string around the tree.

You might assume the Universe is a web of electricity powering the galaxies because that’s what it looks like. If they were powered by gravity for 13 billion years, as we are told to believe, wouldn’t they all pull together to form one big blob?

Consensus science has avoided this issue by inventing a new force called “expansion”. They don’t know how it works and never will because it’s something they just made-up, like extra dimensions and a host of other baloney. Trailer Park Cosmology is opposed to making things up, so assumes it is what it looks like – electricity.

Now look at spiral galaxies. The filaments can be seen shooting through the galactic center. The galaxy is a pinwheel of stars rotating on the axis of the filament. One hundred and fifty years ago, Michael Faraday invented a motor that does pretty much the same thing. Therefore, it’s apparent electricity might be involved.

Birkeland current at a galaxy’s axis

Our own Milky Way has electric current flowing through it’s axis, too. Consensus science calls the current axis in our galaxy “Fermi Bubbles”, because naming something to immortalize themselves is more important than understanding it. Consensus science admits they don’t know what they are, except they suspect they are caused by shock waves, and that magnetic fields in them accelerate cosmic rays even though they don’t know how the magnetic fields got there. They have never quite come to terms with the fact magnetic fields are made by electric current. It seems to be a chicken-and-egg problem for them. Electric current – the flow of cosmic rays – generate the magnetic field and the shock waves, not the other way around.

Gamma ray emissions portray “Fermi Bubbles” aligned through the center of the Milky Way
Stellar Birkeland Currents – Courtesy of NASA

Now let’s step down in scale and look at the stars inside the galaxy. They also rotate on the axis of a flow of current.

This image shows the hourglass shape of currents pinching to form a star. The effect is called a “Z pinch”, where current flow is squeezed by it’s own magnetic field. The dielectric matter in the center of the pinch is being squeezed into a ball of plasma to form a star. A disk of matter will form around the star, like a little spiral galaxy, where planets, comets and asteroids circle.

Solar Birkeland Current

Our sun has current flowing through it’s poles, too. And of course, there is a solar disk of planets, comets and asteroids revolving around the equator of the sun. It’s the neighborhood we live in. We should take a closer look to see what’s there.

Planetary Birkeland Currents and Magnetosphere

Oh my, some planets have big magnetic fields surrounding them, and current flowing into the poles, too. Jupiter does. Saturn does. Neptune and Uranus do. Even Earth. In fact if it didn’t, we wouldn’t be here. The current can be seen creating aurora at the poles.

Aurora Australus

The currents are called Birkeland currents, because they were discovered by a Norwegian scientist who studied the polar aurora, named Kristian Birkeland.

They are coaxial tubes of plasma current. Electrons and negative ions flow one way in the center, and positive ions and protons flow the other way in the outer circuit. Concentric magnetic fields caused by the currents wrap in a double helix around the current flow, isolating the circuits from each other and cocooning it into a tubular plasma conduit. The magnetic field accelerates the current, and accelerating current strengthens the magnetic field – it’s a feedback process.

They can’t always be seen, because in a force-free environment like space, the electrons don’t collide and emit photons. When they get accelerated, or become turbulent, they begin to glow like a neon light. When they really get excited they arc and emit light across the spectrum, like the Sun does.

Birkeland even produced these currents in the lab, using apparatus he called a terrella. He did this in 1908 and proposed these currents came from the Sun. He was the first Electric Universe proponent, although some think Nicola Tesla deserves that honor.

Tesla did understand the electrical nature of Nature. He used that insight to almost single-handedly jump-start the modern world. Birkeland made the discovery of electricity in space, though. In fact he’s known as the first true “space scientist”, because unlike astronomers before him, he turned out to be correct. They were contemporaries, and I suspect Tesla was aware of Birkeland, just as Birkeland would have known about Tesla.

Birkeland’s Terrella

Of course, consensus science at the time didn’t listen to Birkeland, and they stole everything Tesla invented. Consensus scientists today still don’t recognize Birkeland, preferring to call these currents magnetic ropes, flux tubes, or anything except Birkeland currents, because they are loathe to acknowledge something discovered a century ago, and admit they missed the memo.

This pattern of electrical process in Nature that repeats in multiple scales embedded within one another is what I call fractal symmetry. Cosmos to galaxy, galaxy to stars, and stars to the very planet we live on, all have a similar electric morphology. They aren’t exact clones of each other, because many factors are different. Current densities are different, potentials are different, magnetic fields are different, and the amount and type of dielectric matter they interact with are different. But it’s obvious the electric circuitry is very similar. See how easy this is?

But if it’s so easy, why doesn’t consensus science recognize it? For one thing, they say the math isn’t there to prove it. That’s a load of crap. Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, Oliver Heaviside, Hannes Alfven and a host of other credible non-consensus scientists worked out the math long ago.

The problem with physicists is they think of electricity as something that powers their telescopes, not what they’re seeing through them. Electrical circuitry isn’t included in their curriculum. That’s the province of engineers, and engineers are supposed to design the equipment, not make theories about the cosmos. Processes like feedback, induction and capacitance are too mundane for physicists to learn about in school.

The other problem is that relying on applied science doesn’t require a lot of money. They need to invent new theories to make them Nobel Prize winning discoverers of new science, which requires a lot of money. That’s why they claim things that can’t be proven, or even explained, like space-time, black holes, multiverses and ten different dimensions. Show me another dimension and I’ll eat my words. They get this stuff from the creative people who write science fiction.

If you have any doubt of this, take a hard look at the Anthropogenic Global Warming crowd. It’s not only a lucrative industry, but a political racket. Anyone who denies their hoax has to be punished. Just like Lenin, Stalin, Mao and fat little Kim Jong-un, they want to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. After all, polar bears are dying.

There is overwhelming evidence correlating climate with the cycles of the Sun, yet they refuse to consider the evidence. Their minds are made-up, their grants are approved, and their five star room at the next IPCC convention is already booked. Who dare deny them their chance to clink goblets with Al Gore.

Okay, enough vitriol against the consensus. I will move on to show how fractal symmetries are electric and pervasive in Nature. Since I can’t prove anything about galaxies with my little four-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain, I’ll return to Earth and talk about things that are tangible and meaningful in our everyday lives. To get wise requires watching trees whipped by winds as the rain pelts your face under the flash and crack of a thunderstorm. No textbook conveys the power, or shape of an electric field that rips electrons from atoms to avalanche across miles of thin air.

Sasquatch Tree Structure – Do Not Enter

4 thoughts on “Trailer Park Cosmology – 7”

  1. “That’s why they claim things that can’t be proven,…”

    Perhaps more to the point they claim things that can’t be disproven.

    Like shady corporate lawyers, they find what they can get away with and they go with that fiction.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Indeed, I’ve worked with many corporate lawyers. As in every endeavor, there are good people, and shady scum. I saw more shady scum in the renewable solar industry than I did in Big Bad Oil.


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