Month: August 2015

A Science Parody

“If I can model them, they exist…” quote from a theoretical physicist, asked about unicorns.

“I never met a proxy for climate I didn’t like. It’s the real climate that won’t cooperate…” quote from a climate scientist.

“Astronomical alignment…strange coincidence,” quote from an archeologists.

“Whatever they say…” quote from a man on the street.

Views from an EU Skeptic…

I am new to the Electric Universe. Since declaring myself a science writer, of course I’m skeptical. Let me tell you why.

According to the EU theory, the ancients left messages that awhile back, Saturn bussed Earth and Mars into this crappy neighborhood to diversify with gas giants.

This does sound like archaic thinking on integration – today, if we needed to diversify with gas giants, we’d change local zoning laws and make them come to us.

Given this air of plausibility, I had to check the theory out. So, I started with the highest authority I could find. Unfortunately, Jon Stewart had just quit the job.

I called Oprah, because her guest was the world’s leading celebrity expert on being an expert. She put the super-smart astrophysics populist on the line. He said, “Electri-what – never heard of it.”

I said, it’s the thing that makes your phone work.

He said, “My phone works because time dilation in a black hole gravity-well provides a direct link via wormhole to a parallel universe where I’m speaking to an alternative version of you that split away at a past quantum decision node.” He said we were communicating “via entanglement,” but the conversation hadn’t actually happened yet.

“Your universe may be full of this electro-whatchamacallit”, he said. “There are always new universes bubbling up and trying new things.” He then insisted I look around my universe because he was missing one of his socks.

Apparently the wormhole collapsed because I heard a click, then silence.

Having failed to get information from either the celebrity expert, or the smartest man in the world*, I turned to the truest authority of all. Reality TV.

Kim and Kanye took my call with polite patience.

“Can I Rap it?” said Kanye, after I explained. Kim broke into song,

“Oo-oo-oh, electric universe

I love that name ‘cause it’s so perverse

Tickle my booty with an electric thang

Shoot your plasma in my pootey-tang!”

Kanye put his hand over the phone, I think, because I heard thumps. Then the wormhole must have collapsed.

I realized asking popular celebrities about technical matters might be the wrong tactic, since – as I now learned – celebrities live in a parallel universe. I’d always heard that, but never took it literally. So, I turned to the intellectual elite.

I could not reach Al Gore, but the Science Guy answered and gave me a lesson in real science I’ll never forget.

At that moment he and ‘The Man’ were rounding up a few dozen 747’s to fly staff, the press, any interested parties with good cameras, and a cargo of 15 million gerbils for emergency relief to the State of California.

I learned the Governor, also an elite, had declared a state of emergency after earth scientists at UC Berkeley revealed in a recent peer-voted paper (‘Blue Ribbon – Most settled new science discovery of 2015’) that California’s climate change induced drought was causing accelerated sea level rise.

Simple deductive reasoning told them if it wasn’t raining, the water had to be somewhere. The heroic earth scientists immediately formed an expedition that pedaled to the distant shores of Marin County to take measurements.

When the peloton of PhD’s arrived, they were shocked to find the Pacific Ocean actually lapping upon the beach in wave upon wave of excess water.

They immediately deduced their deduction was proof of an abruptly accelerated sea level rise, since proxy analysis of salt encrustations above water line indicative of past wave action solidly confirmed the current state could only be generated by an influx of excess water.

This finding was confirmed by scientists at JPL, who empirically demonstrated the volume of excess water in the ocean precisely correlated with their estimates of lost rainfall, which made the science double settled.

Since the Governor had already deployed the National Guard to confiscate gluten and arrest purveyors of GMO’s, he could not deploy them to bail the ocean.

He declared a state of emergency to access federal relief funds for the construction of a ten-billion dollar, ratepayer funded, loan guaranteed, tax incentivized, DOE over-funded, biomass power plant to generate 0.5 Watts of renewable energy to offset the drought causing CO2.

Algae that grow extremely fast on gerbil excrement fuels the plant, specifically designed by the UC Davis Free-Range Organic Engineering Department to offset enough CO2 to calm the waters and halt the impending floods.

California gerbils could not be used, however, because that confused the CO2 models. Al Gore generously offered to use some of the Governor’s emergency funds to bring gerbils from Tennessee, where wind power and GHG offsets had already been purchased to negate regional gerbil emissions.

The Governor needed gerbils right away. I could not interrupt this important work.

I’m left wondering. Shouldn’t these smart, powerful and admired people also be curious about a theory that explains so much with such specific evidence – a testable theory so elegant that it is actually comprehensible?

Nah! If there was anything to this Electric Universe thing, these would be the first people to say so. I have got to go now…Ancient Aliens is on.

A.D. Hall

* As of this writing there is still no ‘smartest woman’, but there is an international diversity task force studying how to revise the IQ test by replacing multiple-choice questions with multiple-choice emoticons. Actual questions were determined to be unjust micro-aggressions that skew results and often leave subjects with PTSD.

Electric Siberia

Is there strange energy in Siberia? It is a strange place.

First take a look at the featured image above. The image is courtesy of ESA/NASA, and depicts the Earth’s magnetic flux on July 14, 2015. It is showing the Earth’s magnetic poles splitting from a dipole to a four-pole arrangement, an expected development for the pole shift that is well underway.

The mean magnetic north rests somewhere in the sea between the dark red shaded regions of high flux over arctic Siberia and Canada, and it’s rapidly tracking towards Siberia. But it now looks like there are two poles forming at both ends of the planet – four poles – the Southern hemisphere looks much the same. And the deep red blotch over Siberia is gaining strength.

Siberia. Now let’s zoom in to look at some weird stuff.

The Patomskiy Crater – one of many mysterious features in the Taiga.
Siberian Times
Image credit: The Siberian Times

Discovered by a geologist in 1949, this limestone crater is about 150 meters rim to rim. It has a rounded mound in the center. Locals refer to it as  the “fiery eagles nest,” because that’s what it looks like – with an egg. Russian geologists suspect it was formed by a meteorite 250 years ago. Many people doubt it’s a meteorite, although tests reveal a high density, electromagnetic anomaly below the crater.

Prevailing theory today is that it has a geological cause, although many scientists still think it is an impact. This shape is similar to many seen on Mars and moons in the solar system.

As a matter of fact, there are a dozens where I live in Arizona. Wait…ours don’t have the egg in the middle. Apparently that makes all the difference, because no one seems to have high confidence they know what it is.

Other features of the crater:

  • No radioactivity is measured today, but analysis of trees nearby show high radioactivity at the time geologists believe it was formed, around 250 years ago.
  • Visitors report it is exceptionally hot inside the crater.
  • They also report it swells and subsides, like it’s slowly breathing.

I especially liked hearing that last one. Now let’s take a look at some other oddities in the region.

The Valley of Death – this one is spooky.

Unaccountable metallic hemispheres have been reported in the Upper Viliuy River basin – if you watch Ancient Aliens, you’ve heard of them. I know, that’s no reason to believe they are there, or that they aren’t somebody’s abandoned Volgas, but it’s Russian scientists reporting in this case.

tunguska56A team of eight researchers, including geologists, an engineer and an astrophysicist, located five, sunk a few feet below water. But they walked on them and felt them and said they are definitely metallic, with a surface smooth to the touch, and sharp points along the edge. They are about nine feet in diameter just as locals have always claimed.

The first official report of the cauldrons dates from explorations over one hundred and fifty years ago, when the cauldrons were still partially above ground. Local stories abound. Witnesses say the metal appeared to be made of copper or bronze, but they could not dent or scratch the material.

Two of the researchers on the team got sick. This seems to be expected on a visit to the cauldrons – local Yakut people stay clear of the area. Stories by people who claimed to camp beneath them before they sank in the swamp reported sickness and skin lesions, like exposure to radiation might cause.

tunguska58The region is known locally as Uliuiu Cherkechekh – Valley of Death. According to Russian geologists, the region experienced a cataclysm some 800 years ago, much like the Tunguska event, toppling entire forests and scattering stone fragments across hundreds of square miles. Large craters, believed to be ancient meteor impacts are nearby. In fact there is a lot of stuff nearby.

The Tunguska event happened there. You know the story. In 1908, a huge flash of light in the sky, trees bowled over in some tremendous shock wave that left ears ringing and people complaining of symptoms of radiation. Early visitors to the site reported the ground was heaved in waves like water at ground zero. But it left no crater.

Tunguska is a little south of the Valley of Death. The size of the blast is estimated to be on the order of 15 megatons. It flattened over 800 hundred square miles of forest.

A little know fact, in 1908, German Professor, Herr Doctor Weber of the University in Kiel, was monitoring the magnetosphere for auroras. As he recorded in the Astronomische Nachrichten (Astronomical News), no auroras were detected, but he measured a constant, steady vibration in magnetic declination for several hours over the same daily time periods, three evenings prior to the Tunguska event. The signal ceased after the event. He ruled out local interference.

It was as if the meteor was communicating it’s arrival to earth. And he was picking up the signal from space every evening when Earth’s rotation brought it overhead as it was heading our way.

In 2002, a meteor exploded over the Vitim River basin estimated to produce a 5 kiloton blast. Researchers found a 40 square mile area flattened much like Tunguska, where the meteor was found to have exploded overhead. Most unusual, the area was suffering a power blackout during the strike, but when the meteor flashed overhead, the grid was activated by the electrical field of the meteor. Residents’ lights flickered on a few seconds, while crackling was heard in the sky and electrical discharges sparked along the tops of metal fences. Many people reported effects of radiation.

Three more invaders from the cosmos have approached the area recently, including the big, bright screamer that exploded over Chelyabinsk in February, 2013. The original estimate of it’s size had to be upped by a factor of 1000 when data streamed in showing it was 30 times more powerful than Hiroshima, on the order of a 500 kiloton blast. They said it was a once-in-a-hundred-year event.

The following year it happened over Yakutia. Another exploded near Murmansk in April, 2014, one month later. Witnesses said it looked like an electric flash. It’s as if the area has an energy of it’s own that amplifies the energy of the meteors.

In the 1950’s, the Soviets tested nuclear weapons in the the Valley of Death – years after locals had already reported effects of radiation sickness – so their bombs didn’t cause it. The unusual thing is one test produced a blast that far exceeded the explosive power of the bomb being tested. As reported by the German Radio Station Deutsche Welle in 1991, a small 10 kg nuclear device tested in 1954 registered an astounding 20 to 30 megatons, and was recorded by seismic instruments around the world. This has been a puzzle ever since.

Back to the Yakuts – they aren’t surprised. Strange things around the cauldrons have happened for centuries. According to ancient lore, fiery spheres soar into the sky from the cauldrons trailing a column of flame and a succession of thunderous booms. Over decades it happens with increasing intensity, until a huge fireball, fiery whirlwinds and sheets of lightning streak the sky and cataclysmic explosions lay waste to the land.

Legend says these things happen every six, or seven hundred years, time and again. That would match the frequency of every other grand solar minimum. I mention that since we are entering one. Legends aren’t too specific on dates, so I don’t know if there is any correlation in timing.

Now let’s talk about something very recent.

The Siberian “What the Fuck” holes.

That’s right, those giant vertical holes that just appeared on the landscape. This one is 60 meters across and no one knows how deep. Like the other six recently discovered on the Yamal Peninsula, it’s filling with water so no one has seen the bottom, but they say it’s at least 200 feet deep.

Image credit: The Siberian Times

Residents in the area claimed to see a cloud of smoke and a streak of bright light in the sky before this hole appeared out of nowhere. Mainstream science dismisses these sightings as mass hysteria phenomena. They always say that about people who actually witness the event. Apparently only scientists are allowed to believe their own eyes.

Image credit: The Siberian Times

They are blaming these things on Global Warming. So let’s forget how scary they are and put up more windmills. We have a politically correct answer, so science achieved its goal.

They say permafrost melted, releasing frozen methane bubbles that burst out, possibly igniting at some point in the process. That could only happen once the gas reached air and a source of ignition.

Unfrozen methane would have to be contained where it could mix with air and ignite to blow plugs out of the ground like this. This shear vertical shaft must be the result of shock waves from an explosive event. Look at the surface of the crater walls. Can you see the circular pits? Something spauled shallow, smooth pits on the walls. The flare at the top is very strange, too.

And where did all that earth go that was displaced? That’s a big plug of dirt, and there isn’t much debris on the crater rim or around the area – the crater rim looks like just the top soil pushed-up. Some speculate a big ice plug was in there, and warmed from faults below, methane popped it out like a champagne cork. A giant ice spear like that would leave an impact crater of it’s own wherever it landed. It didn’t just ooze out of the hole, or there would be evidence on the crater rim.

There is gas in the region. There are more drilling rigs than reindeer in Siberia. And there are lot’s of circular holes in the ground. It’s natural in permafrost for ice lenses to form below ground in a formation called a pengo, and then collapse, leaving thousands of round pools. But they aren’t 200 feet deep with vertical sides and crater rims.

On the other hand, I wonder if a pengo’s ice lens could look and feel like a metallic dome.

 These things are very strange, so let’s look at the region. Perhaps there is another explanation.
Siberia box
Click to enlarge

Notice Lake Baikal near the bottom of the boxed area. That’s the largest volume of fresh water on the planet. It doesn’t look that big, but it’s deep. The slot it’s in is the deepest rift zone in the world, where Asia is ripping apart.

The water is a mile deep, but there is another seven miles of sediment below that. It holds 20% of the worlds unfrozen fresh water, more than all the Great Lakes combined.

The area is seismically active, and it’s well established that electrical phenomena occur in seismic zones. In other words, there are anomalies in the electric ground potential in the region. Now look again at where the heavy red blotch is on the magnetic flux map above. That means a heavy anomaly in space too.

Image credit: NASA
Image credit: NASA

I don’t know about bronze cauldrons, or crater eggs. I do believe the flashes and columns of light were witnessed. I tend to believe people know what they saw and remember when it’s something really astonishing. From ancient times to present, balls and shafts of light in the sky are a recurring theme. For recent news on atmospheric phenomena, including some incredible video, go to: SuspectSky

Some theorize these events to be caused by electricity, not meteors or comets. A powerful lightning bolt from space, or a plasmoid of electrical energy from the sun. We know these things have occurred in the past. Ancient petroglyphs, without doubt, depict massive plasma displays in the sky, from what can only be cosmic electrical events.

Watch David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill describe the evidence and the consequence of what our ancestors witnessed thousands of years ago at While you are there, look for my Thunderblogs, were I’ve written about the evidence of electrical scars on the planets and moons of our solar system.

The fact is, we live under an electric sky.

It gets its climate, weather and energy from the sun – not just from it’s radiant heat, but from its electric field. Don’t believe it, look at the Northern Lights. That is exactly what they are – neon lights charged by electricity from the sun.

Lightning bolts don’t just come from clouds. We can witness the giant plasma discharges that take place above storm clouds as electric current flows down from space. The lightning that strikes earth looks different, because the atmosphere it pierces constrains it. So in space we see neon shapes, but below our storm clouds – those big capacitors sitting between Earth and space – the discharge is ‘squeezed’ into a lightning bolt. There is no limit to the size and power one of these things can deliver. It’s just a consequence of the charge differential and the resistance between. Current flows in space with very little resistance.

I think Tunguska and the other events were meteors, but the energy of their blast was magnified due to electrical discharge when they reached the Earth’s atmosphere. After all, the beautiful Northern Lights we see is our magnetic field funneling the Sun’s current into the Earth. Throw a large body from space, with it’s own electric potential into the middle and sparks are bound to fly.

Could the WTF holes be caused by lightning? I don’t see why not. There have been lightning fulgurites found as long as 30 meters and a foot in diameter. No reason they couldn’t get bigger. Permafrost should be a good conductor, passing current straight through to the bedrock. The material in the hole, much of it water-ice in permafrost, would be vaporized and carried away in the 2000° Kelvin heat of an electric discharge.

We may see many unusual events in the sky and here on Earth as our magnetic pole flips, and as our sun goes to sleep. To get comprehensive daily space weather, Earth weather and earthquake reports, and to learn more about the Sun-Earth connection, please visit: Suspicious0bserver

I would like to see more of our science experts get on with understanding electric fields in space, how they interact with Earth, and preparing us for the dangers. Fortunately, there is growing awareness due to a few courageous and observant scholars who are unafraid to look beyond convention and believe their own eyes. Please visit the websites I mention and join me here at this website, as we peel back the veil of ignorance.

A.D. Hall