Month: December 2020

Eye of the Storm – Part 10

The Final Chapter

Eye of the Storm presents a case study for how electrical forces shaped the Colorado Plateau and its surroundings. In this tenth and final chapter, there are a few things to conclude, and review in summary.

What we’ve done in these chapters is reverse engineer the Earth, starting with outside layers and peeling inward, following the patterns of electrical scarring. We logically assume circuitry is the fundamental structure of the planet, since that is the very structure of life, energy and the cosmos in general. Abstract theories for cause and effect aren’t needed when the patterns of Nature are laid bare for us to see, repeating at every scale in every structure in the universe.

We merely need to recognize what makes the patterns. In the case of geology, it’s not just gravity, the mists of time, or coincidence. It’s the diffusion of charge in an environment of extreme electrical stress. Meaning, in the case of the Colorado Plateau, a huge potential difference between Earth and something else.

Charge diffusion means there is a circuit. Whether an element of charge finds a bond in atomic structure, or drifts in patterns formed by fields, it has to move. And that motion is subject to a myriad of emergent influences, but it is always patterned in the most fundamental way by the coherent influence of electric circuitry. Whether a chemical reaction, or a thermodynamic cycle, dissect it down to the quantum level and it’s all electromagnetic circuitry. 

And as a result, we can look at the planets and stars in the Solar System and see the same effects at play over and over.

If a planet has dead circuits, like Mercury, or the Moon; facing a high potential, it responds to static charge build-up on it’s surface with explosive discharges that leave it pockmarked with craters and rilles. The evidence is overwhelming, as anyone who reads Thunderbolts knows.

Then there are planets that used to be alive and are now dead, like Mars. Or those in the process of birth, or death, like Venus. And there’s a bunch of debris from planet formation and electrical interactions orbiting the sun.

But if a planet is ‘alive’ with an atmosphere and crust enveloped in a self-amplifying magnetosphere in sustained resonant feedback with the Solar System, it must have energy flowing through that crust and atmosphere, storing inside it, making it a spherical capacitor. Weather and geology is driven by this capacitance. That is pure logic and physics, once it’s recognized that Earth and the Solar System are circuits.

Correlations can be drawn because circuitry acts the same regardless of what planet it’s on, depending on type. Hence we can see Jupiter’s storms being motivated by circuitry, and correlate actions of turbulent wind with geologic patterns on Earth, and draw conclusions about the common cause. We don’t have to “theorize” – we just apply known science.

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What we’ve looked at so far:


Mountain structures shaped by sonic shock waves provide the biggest evidence of all the Electric Earth ‘theories’ presented in the Eye of the Storm. If tetrahedrons and other features produced by shock waves in a wind tunnel precisely match what we see in geology, and if there is no other demonstrable process that can produce the same features, that is astonishing evidence that supersonic, plasma winds built mountains.


If supersonic plasma winds are acknowledged, then the planet’s voltage rise and other circumstances required to create them have to be acknowledged as well. And that brings all the other electrical processes described in Eye of the Storm into play, because they are inevitable consequences of charge diffusion under those circumstances.


Consensus science has decided tetrahedrons result from a combination of faulting, uplift, water erosion and huge spans of time. They have no empirical proof – no proof whatsoever – that water erosion can produce repeating, harmonic and nearly perfect geometric forms like these shown here, and many others presented in earlier chapters. Water erosion simply can’t be that consistent. The earth scientists merely have an unverified hypothesis they represent as fact-confirmed-by-consensus, and they ignore the patterns. Ignoring the obvious is scientific malpractice.

These forms are, without doubt, from sonic shock waves. Tetrahedrons are formed in the separation bubble of a reflected shock wave. It’s a region where a tetrahedral zone of low pressure forms. This low pressure zone attracts neutral and ionized dust like a vacuum cleaner equipped with an electrostatic precipitator.

The separation bubble is electrically, and pressure-polarized from the incoming plasma winds, causing static-electric attraction of ionic dust. There are also magnetic fields to attract ferrous materials in identifiable bands and sheets that conform to the shock patterns.


On an Electric Earth, the means and mechanisms are all there to form mountains: wind, water, dust and electrical bonding.

Wind, Water, Earth and Fire

Mountain features match shock-wave forms in excruciating detail far beyond the unambiguous tetrahedral shape of the separation bubble. There are harmonic frequencies, unstable wave forms, subsurface reflections, constructive and destructive interference and expansion fans found in geology – not once or twice coincidentally, but over and over again – all empirical proofs because the same features have been produced in supersonic wind tunnels for decades.


That said, exploring mountains and researching the Electric Earth is like an Easter Egg hunt, with surprising evidence around every bend. Sometimes the evidence is so cool, so unexpected, and so hidden in plain sight, that it knocks even my socks off. So, in this final chapter of Eye of the Storm I’d like to share my three favorite Easter Eggs.

Sneeze of the Gods


This is a photo of the Dragoon Mountains in Southern Arizona. Historically, the Dragoons are famous for Cochise’s Stronghold, a maze of rocky defiles where Chiricahua Apache raiding parties eluded capture from United States soldiers during the Apache Wars. The Chiricahua Chief, Cochise was a recognized genius at guerrilla warfare, and used the Southern Arizona terrain strategically to stage raids and then vanish. He is supposedly buried somewhere in those rocks above the Stronghold.

If you look at these ragged pinnacles and sheets of rock stacked together like triangular dominoes, you might be tempted to agree with geologists and say; gee, it must have taken millions of years. But I can show you, it happened pretty quickly. The evidence is in this monolithic granite tetrahedron.

The tetrahedron has a drip on it. A drip, meaning the tetrahedron was deposited as a viscous mass, like candle wax, or hot fudge. The drips are highlighted in the next image.


Directly above the drips are pillow-like rocks capping the crown of the tetrahedron. The pillow-rock above the drip at far left is broken.

It’s not a volcanic lava flow. These rocks are granite and must bake under pressure, deep underground for immense time according to “science”. These fluid forms have been exposed to atmosphere since they were made, because you can’t have free flow under tons of overburden pressure.

It’s not that it’s unusual to see fluid shapes in granite boulders. Granite rocks show fluid puddling, settling and drop configurations all the time. Even drips, but they are always broken and hard to discern with a photo. But this one is huge and so obvious.


Along the base of this drip, there is fluting where the falling, sheet-flow of fluid solidified in motion, like the mineral deposits from sheet-flow on cavern walls. Below the end of the drip are splatters and drops that fell free and landed on the rock face below.


A boulder with a runny nose makes no sense in consensus geology, so they ignore such a thing, or insist it’s not there. But it is, and it’s one minor confirmation of Electric Earth theory. It also presents loads of information about how it happened and the environment on Earth at the time.

The elongated pillow rocks are at the tip of the tetrahedron, therefore they constitute some of the last matter deposited into this separation bubble. This matter was deposited in a fluid state, and it cooled into a crystalline matrix of granite from the outside-in. Like candle wax, it formed a skin that retained heat inside, keeping the inside molten for longer. They are also at the top of the tetrahedron and stayed hot longest because they had the mass of the rock below them radiating through. It likely took years for this rock-mass to cool down. The pillows hang over the leeward side of the tetrahedron, so the wind was from behind pushing them over the edge, elongating their shape like water balloons.

The separations between rock is where shock waves, charged with current, evaporated material away or prevented it from depositing, leaving gaps. Shock waves in this environment were not only from the winds shearing and deflecting, but also explosive lightning strikes and reverberating thunder. They tend to electromagnetically align parallel and orthogonal, since the winds themselves were aligned with electric fields, and the shock waves carried current. The rock shrank as it cooled, creating the pillow shape.

The largest pillow-drop burst, leaving a broken pillow, and its contents spilled out in a stringy drip. In fact, the top of the broken pillow displays lightning scars that likely caused the pillow to break and drip it’s viscous guts before it completely solidified. Other pillars squeezed out their fluid like toothpaste.


I show this example because it illustrates the kind of confusing geologic detail Electric Earth theory can explain with ease, proving it’s not really confusing at all. It just takes breaking through the matrix of false paradigm and looking with fresh eyes.

It also gives a sense for the way matter was flying through the atmosphere. There was a fire-hose of hot silica in the plasma wind that formed the Dragoon Mountains. It formed like jello in a mold as ions recombined in the suction of separation bubbles.

To be clear, this mountain-building event occurred in Earth’s primordial past, near the end of a period when the continents were forming. There are mountains chock-full of fossilized dinosaurs and sea life in strata of this age, but no evidence of man. There were severe plasma storms in human history, but not filled with a fire hose of molten silica.

Ancient people did experience “coronal storms” due to some planetary conflict in the Solar System. Ancient myth is pretty clear about that. They must have been less powerful than what’s been described, yet still carried more punch than they do today. This next Easter Egg tells that story.

Handbag of the Gods

In Chapter 5 we looked at coronal storms. We looked at the San Rafael Swell and Capitol Reef, as well as Monument Valley and the San Juan River basin, as sets of dome and crater pairs produced in the eye of the great primordial storm that created the Colorado Plateau.

The weather that produced these domes and craters essentially consisted of a thunderstorm producing updraft winds, paired with a cyclone producing a downdraft at it’s core. Electrically, it formed a ring current between them, with it’s lower half being currents in the ground.


It’s upper half consisted of the meso-cyclone and cyclone connected by a jet-stream wind, from updraft to downdraft, forming an arch of condensate. This loop is what would be, under calmer circumstances, the thunderstorm anvil cloud, a layer of positive charge forming the top half of the mesocyclone. When mesocyclone and cyclone come together in a turbulent, intensely charged climate, the anvil is swept into a filament that feeds the downdraft of the cyclone. The cyclone and mesocyclone then becomes one circuit. This is how fractals “grow”. Circuits connect together and pairings become groupings and groupings become networks. That is what we see on Jupiter. The Great Red Spot is a network circuit of coronal storm loops.

We also looked at direct visual evidence of coronal loops on Jupiter, and they happen to be in almost the exact same pattern in the Great Red Spot as the dome and crater pairs on the Colorado Plateau, because the storm systems are fractals and driven by similar circuitry.

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Also, like the ground current loops discussed in Chapter 9, these ring currents had DC input from lightning and plasma winds, and current junctions with ground, so they could act as Op Amps, using the DC currents to amplify the ring.

That realization was a pretty good egg. But it gets better.

The big Easter Egg was finding this type of storm system depicted in ancient art. In fact, it’s depicted on the oldest, most controversial and mysterious megalith ever discovered: the Vulture Stone at Gobekli Tepe.


The stone “T” pillar depicts arched clouds across the ‘sky’, or upper portion of the pillar. Yes, the mysterious “Handbag of the Gods”. And this is just my theory, of course … but the handbag depicts the box-like shape of mesocyclones seen at a distance, with the arch receding from center to behind, where it downdrafts into an unseen cyclone. A distant viewer would only see a squall line of thunderstorms surrounding the cyclone with, instead of an anvil cloud, the jet-stream to the cyclone arching away, just as it’s depicted.


Note the odd figures above the clouds. I believe these represent the type of thunderstorm discharge we call sprites and gnomes. In a coronal storm, plasma discharges from the cloud tops would not be as rare as they are today. Not that they are all that rare today, but in this past environment, they would have been lit like Christmas.

Above and below the clouds is space patterned in triangles, cut across by a thin layer of rectangles. This represents the triangular pattern of rarefaction and compression in supersonic winds, the narrow layer being a faster jet-stream, or lenticular layer between conflicting winds with interference patterns making the box-like segregations.


The vulture, or thunder-bird is a stylized representation of the Peratt instability also known as “squatter man”, which in rock art is often depicted with a bird’s head. It would have presaged the storm, appearing in the sky as an aurora bringing the portent of doom to come. The legless birds also depict aurora that are fractal repetitions, at least in partial image, of the central plasma column.


Below the birds, in the base of the “T”, are depictions of a wolf (the howling wind), a salamander (the tidal floods) and a scorpion (instead of a dragon, meaning ground-to-ground discharge). Arrow-headed snakes appear here and there, representing lightning, or currents. The “T” pillar itself represents Earth and Heavens; as above so below.

A popular theory about this stone is that it depicts a comet, or meteor strike. That’s because the bird is holding a ball. Go figure. I like my interpretation better.

Gobekli Tepe is dated earlier than 9,000 BC, or the time of the Younger Dryas. It’s also when Plato said Atlantis disappeared. And it correlates well, all things considered, with the time we recall as Noah’s flood, or Gilgamesh if you prefer.

Was this a shrine made by survivors? Or did it have utility in surviving the storms? They must have hid underground to survive, for even if they were in a region of calmer winds, radiation, lightning and fouled water would have surely killed them if they were unprotected. The implication is clear however, at Gobleki Tepe as in every ancient myth, there was an electrical storm the likes of which do not appear today, caused by some solar system event.

Thunderbolt of the Gods

Now the final Easter Egg. These handbags are depicted all over the world in ancient stonework. The earliest know depictions are in petroglyphs that can’t all be dated, but are believed to be from before 9,000 BC. The following is an example from Australia.


If you read this petroglyph right to left, like a storyboard, it first shows a small coronal storm cloud (right-most handbag) apparently forming. Next it’s a larger one above streamers rising from the ground. These would be plasma streamers, like what forms in a lightning connection, only visible in “glow mode”. Next the cloud forms something below, while something else rises to meet it. They look like hoops, or semi-circles. These would be plasma clouds reaching to meet, also visible in “glow mode”. Then there is some kind of squiggly figure, after which the clouds appear again. Never mind the kangaroo.

The squiggly figure is the plasma afterglow of a super-sized lightning bolt. What I believe this depicts is the cloud – the entire mesocyclone of a thunderstorm – collapsed in a “Z” pinch, then reforming.

That would be like a hydrogen bomb going off. But I’m pretty sure that’s what we’re seeing. I wonder if there isn’t a large crater a few miles in front of this rock. The entire colloquy is represented in stylized form in the Anunnaki figures in ancient Sumeria. The handbag, and the vine of “pomegranate” that looks like the Australian squiggly figure.



They are often holding pine cones, which I think represent the supersonic winds thrusting forward at the head of the storm and the fractal pattern of rarefaction and compression they would display.

In fact the entire figure represents aspects of the storms, from the birds head of aurora discharge to the legs flat footed on the ground – one uncovered and billowing muscle, like the winding updraft to a meso-cyclone and the other covered, unable to be seen, like the returning airflow down a cyclone.

It’s as if the gods – the winged, anthropomorphized aurora that presaged the storm – are delivering the storm; presenting handbags of terror (storm) pine cones of destruction (winds) and massive thunderbolts (lightning). It even displays a sense of hierarchy between heavenly and earthly phenomena, as in the gods and demi-gods endemic to ancient religions.

I know people will disagree, because everyone has a theory about the “handbags”. Some think they are for a drug stash, as if the ancient gods munched pscilocybin all day. Others say they carried pollen, but who collects pollen, and why? It makes more sense these figures symbolically commemorate the most Earth shattering event know to man.

Whether you agree, or not, I want you to understand. The events I describe are in our history. They influence us today. We are just confused by liars and lazy thinkers in our midst, from academia, to media, to politics. Science to culture to power. Break the bonds of the brainwash they feed us and think for yourself. Do it and you will find answers.

Nature makes itself known. It’s up to us to raise our consciousness to its level. Once done, truth is self evident. At least this is my experience. I have no special talent, I’m just keenly aware of what’s around me and eternally curious as to how it got there. Ask the right questions and Nature shows the answer. I refer to this feedback circuit as God.

I present these conclusions for your consideration. I won’t deny other possible answers exist, and we need to consider everything. But there is a bit of urgency in the message I get from all of this, which I’m compelled to share.

Earth’s internal circuits are warming-up. Volcanic and seismic activity is increasing all along plate boundaries that define the sub-surface currents. Weather has become a bit strange. At the same time, the Sun is entering a minimum period of energy output.

Solar minimums have direct correlation with colder weather on Earth, but also higher seismic activity. The Earth has to respond to the change in Solar energy by releasing some of its stored energy in order to maintain its balance. A reduction in Solar wind means a reduction in energy induced by Earth’s magnetic field. With less input energy, internal currents wane and the magnetic field weakens and expands. But as the magnetic field expands it captures more solar wind, increasing induction.

global temperature graph

This tug of war plays out as Earth tries to keep pace with the Sun, but it oscillates Earth’s circuitry as currents ebb and flow, creating resistance and heat that has to release. This happens in the transient phase, shifting from maximum to minimum and vice versa. It’s the rate of change that matters. We may see a dramatic increase in the frequency of earthquakes, volcanoes and severe weather as we rise out of the minimum.

We are also experiencing a magnetic pole shift. The magnetic pole shift is related to changing crustal currents. How I don’t know (yet), but there is feedback between them, because there has to be. It’s predictable, it’s physics and it’s happening.

If there is one thing that should be evident from reading Eye of the Storm, it’s that Earth is an electric circuit driven by whatever is in its core. We don’t know what the “core” is. It’s not a spinning ball of iron. The surface effects we experience outside of the crust are driven from within as a result of how the core reacts with the solar system. The surface effects are a capacitive reaction to changing energy levels in the core, because Earth is a spherical capacitor.

Crustal boundaries surround the Indian Ocean, and above segments of these currents are some of the most active volcanic regions, including the Indonesian Islands and Madagascar. They are very active right now.


These are likely the largest currents on Earth and the closest together, producing magnetic flux between them. There is already a large gyre in the ocean, deep off the coast of Madagascar circulating between these currents.

Does this mean there are catastrophic storms in our future? Damned if I know. Check what the ancients say. All I know is we better get off the dime and understand this Earth as it really is and stop listening to academics.

Thank you all for reading. Thank you for the gracious comments. These articles appear on my website,, as well as and can be accessed by anyone entirely free. As people wake-up to reality, please point them to this content.

Eye of the Storm – Part 9

Ground Currents

In the past few chapters of Eye of the Storm, we’ve looked at surface conductive discharge and the land forms it creates. Ground-to-ground, surface conductive discharges formed river channels, fractured the land with arc blast, built mountains, ripped them apart, and induced electric winds that competed in a global plasma storm on our ancient planet.

We’ve discussed how surface conductive discharges match the description of dragons in myth. How they must be discharges from an alternating current superimposed with a direct current bias that forces it’s path across Earth’s surface-electric field, blasting its way in fits and starts as resonant frequencies built and relaxed, bifurcating the current in reactive power surges.

The electric field is from a build-up of charge on continental surfaces due to capacitance in the continental plates. We’ve discussed how such discharges emanate from beneath Earth’s crust through a continental fringing field. Capacitance dictates there must also be a charge built on the opposite side of the plate which creates the potential difference.

This does not mean one side of the continental plate is all positive and one side negative. Ionization of native materials generates plasma, which by definition is a mixture of positive and negative charge. But plasma self organizes, producing regions of high intensity, positive or negative bias, surrounded by shells of weaker plasma. Coherent structures evolve as waves of energy pass through at varying frequencies, forming patterns of compression and rarefaction in the fashion that sonic vibrations produce cymatics.


Potentials oscillate between regions of high intensity, sometimes spiking to extreme levels from harmonic feedback and constructive interference in the manner of circuits commonly referred to as RLC circuits in electronics. It’s the spikey surges that sends sparks flying. We’ll now discuss the underbelly of North America from where these sparks originated and what we can infer about its features.

In keeping with Eye of the Storm protocol, we’ll use Earth’s geology, the planet Jupiter, and the fractal self similarities of charge diffusion as our living laboratory for evidence.

It’s San Andreas’ Fault

As discussed in the previous chapters, river channels align with faults that are cracks in the Earth caused by the intense heat, pressure and charge depletion of an arc blast from surface conductive discharges. They are literally the dragon’s footprint. But not all dragon prints result in river channels. In some places, surface conductive discharges created faults that were later buried, or somehow isolated from a watershed, so no river resulted. The San Andreas Fault is one such beast.

It was created in the same discharge event that created the Colorado: a resonant frequency reactive discharge that sent a filament of induced current northwest, while the main line current of the Colorado filament turned 90 degrees east to the Colorado Plateau.


This filament is the San Andreas fault system, extending from the Gulf of California along the western fringe of the continent to the Juan de Fuca Plate. The fault follows precisely a portion of continental plate boundaries surrounding the Pacific known as the “Ring of Fire”.


What this means is the San Andreas fault is the result of a surface conductive, branch filament of the Colorado discharge, induced along the plate boundary. This branch formed a parallel circuit with the Colorado River branch, thus forming a parallel RLC circuit. The parallel RLC circuit has the characteristic ability to amplify frequency to the point of producing resonant frequency, reactive power discharges, which is what we see along the Colorado River. Not all dragons are parallel circuits, so the Colorado/San Andreas system has some exceptional features and may be unique, at least on Earth.

The fact that the San Andreas is a filament of current discharging along this path can be demonstrated by looking at a real life dragon in action. Of course, this means looking to Jupiter where a similar circuit is in action right now.

Capacitance forces a mirror response to sub-surface charge accumulation on the continental surface, and in the atmosphere. So the landscape and atmosphere reflect the ground currents. This image of a long oval storm system on Jupiter has been presented before, in Chapter 7, as an analog for the storm that created the San Joaquin Valley in California, and it’s ring of mountains including the Sierra Nevada range. The red line traces (approximately) the San Andreas fault analog that exists beneath Jupiter’s clouds in the same geometry. It rides next to long, thin, dark filaments making “French curves” in the clouds.

These dark filaments are where low-level winds dive beneath higher shelf clouds to feed the jet stream that follows the discharge creating the fault. Where it meets the branching Garloc fault it created a triangle of Venturi winds. Similar faults, or currents are embedded in the Sierra Range (not highlighted) where you can see dark filaments in the clouds).


In other words, you are seeing a dragon from above, the jet-stream being a charged plasma wind generated by induction along the path of the ground current, which takes an identical path through the storm system that the San Andreas does due to the fractal symmetry of charge diffusion in similar circuits.

Two similar circuits will create similar patterns of charge diffusion. Never exact, but similar, like fingerprints and snowflakes. Both circuits create paths of current with capacitance and inductance that forms self similar diffusion patterns in the form of weather and discharge. The difference in size between Earth and Jupiter doesn’t matter. The processes are all scalable. And the difference in chemistry matters little, because the patterns are formed by charge diffusion which is regulated by the circuit. The circuit dictates the plasma behavior and arranges the chemistry to suit. One could say the circuit creates itself, like Escher’s hand that draws a hand that draws itself.


That’s a big insight, by the way. I hope you noticed.

As far as Jupiter is concerned, what this means is that there are crustal ground currents on Jupiter that form circuits geometrically similar to certain ground currents on Earth. We have zero direct evidence for what constitutes “ground” on Jupiter, but the evidence that ground currents are there is in the shape and actions of the clouds. Capacitance between ground and atmosphere dictates the presence of ground currents, producing self-similar storms in feedback with currents in the atmosphere.

Why Earth and Jupiter should have geometrically similar electrical circuits within their crusts may seem a ridiculous coincidence if you accept the consensus views on planetary formation. So don’t.

Planets are formed as drops and bubbles spit out of bigger planets, or stars. Drops and bubbles are fractal entities shaped by electrical bonding – surface tension, that is, or as I like to say – spherical capacitance. It should be no surprise that complex fractal bubbles will also have complex fractal surface features.

Fractals being fractal – self similar that is – and planets everywhere being drops and bubbles, they should all display similar features. But you will not see the similarities if you categorize and analyze them as solid or gaseous structures, or as thermodynamic or chemical entities, or as gravitational bodies caused by wiggly space-time. They only make sense if you analyze them as circuits. Then, it not only makes sense, it yields real, useful knowledge to see Earth and Jupiter with nearly exact fractal symmetries.

Ground Current Loops

The presence of the San Andreas Fault also betrays that the plate boundary hides a Telluric, or sub-surface current, formed by charge accumulation beneath the plate in the fringing field along the plate’s edge. We’ll now look at the evidence for this sub-surface current. We can’t see what’s beneath the crust, but we can make some assumptions based on surface features.

We know sub-surface currents must generate heat given resistance in the ground, so we can expect to find volcanoes and seismic activity concentrated along these currents. And so we do:


Charge collects within and beneath the continental plates because they present a sheet of dielectric matter to energy flowing in and out of the Earth. As charge collects beneath the plates it migrates and concentrates at the plate boundaries. The fringing field at the plate boundary is the reason. The transition from thick continental plate to thinner oceanic plate, or any cracks in the plate, creates a fringing field that provides better conduction for the pent-up charge beneath the plates to escape.

But the potential still has to be large enough to make a spark to close the gap across the fringing field. And in the meantime, the fringing field accumulates charge. Filaments of current are induced along the length of the fringing fields at the plate boundaries by Earth’s magnetic and electric fields, forming circuits. You should notice that the plate boundaries connect in continuous, looping circuits.

To illustrate, one of the better examples is the Caribbean Plate, or more precisely, the Caribbean Current Loop.

The Caribbean Loop

The Caribbean sea floor displays deep trenches aligned with island arcs, which run parallel to each other – even around bends. Volcanic island chains and oceanic trenches are magnetic expressions of a sub-surface current. Volcanic islands appear to one side of the current, and deep trenches appear on the other.

The sub-surface current does not produce trench and volcano chains directly. They are formed by eddy currents in the solenoid-like, coaxial magnetic field surrounding the current. Think of a subsurface Birkeland Current, with the added effect of iron in the ground magnifying the magnetic field and its eddy currents. The effect is described by Lenz’s Law, which is a special case of Faraday’s Law of Induction.

Surface evidence of a ring current beneath the Caribbean Sea.

To induce eddy currents, according to Lenz’ Law the conductor itself had to be in motion across the Earth’s magnetic field, generating helical eddy currents in the coaxial magnetic field around the moving conductor.

Eddy currents generate heat due to resistance in the material where the currents form. Eddy currents form around the moving conductor, melting the surrounding rock and creating magma chambers. Lorentz Force, or the drag effect of a moving conductor through a magnetic field, which is a magnetic reaction in the opposing direction, pushes volcanoes up on one side and depresses the crust into the molten chamber on the other, creating a trench at the trailing edge of the moving conductor.

There is no actual conductor, like a copper wire, but it’s the movement of a filament of current, which is moving in reaction to electromagnetic forces, that burns and melts its way through the crust.

Given that islands are to the inside of the trench, the right hand rule indicates the Caribbean Loop Current ran counter-clockwise during formation of the Caribbean plate.

The movement of the current also dredged seafloor, piling it into non-volcanic islands along it’s path, aided by incomprehensible tsunamis. The violence of this event cannot be overstated.

Similar current loops can be found at the horn of South America and the Indonesian archipelago.


Evidence the current moved is also displayed in the sinuous curvatures of the trench and island chains. Note the image, where the filament dragged south, it’s momentum amplified the eddy currents heating the crust to build the Cuban island chain along an “S” shaped curve, before locking it’s position in a straight line at Jamaica.


One of the likely reasons current loops make these lateral moves is because the sides of the loop flow in opposite directions, and the magnetic polarity of the coaxial eddy currents are opposite and attract, narrowing the loop like a hangman’s noose. The magnetic field attraction eventually meets electric field repulsion from the opposing current vectors, which snaps the current into balance in parallel lines. The tip of the loop accumulates the highest charge density, so even though it’s the region that moves the least, its high potential burns neat little arcs of volcanoes.

indexfilsThe sinuous pattern shows how charge density spread in longitudinal waves through the moving filament as it met resistance. It’s similar to how tension and compression travels in waves through a steel spring. It forms a sine curve, with the greatest amount of volcanism, trenching and dredging at the inflections, where momentum changed greatest, amplifying the magnetic induction of eddy currents.  The deepest trenches show where the current came to rest, and momentum suddenly decelerated to zero, as an electromagnetic balance was achieved across the loop structure.

Lateral current movements of this type can be found all over the world. The momentum change in the current produces distinctive arcs of deep depressions and volcanic island chains in the oceans. On land, tell-tale lakes, mountains chains, rivers, volcanoes and maar craters align themselves in the same patterns.


Where the Caribbean Loop joins the Ring of Fire, the juncture is called a “triple junction”. Triple junctions occur at the plate boundaries. For instance, the Rivera Triple Junction is where the Rivera Plate meets the Eastern Pacific Rise (EPR). Triple junctions are known hot spots for volcanic and seismic activity, and magnetic anomalies.

Since there are triple junctions along the North American plate, it begs the question: are there current loops connected to these junctions beneath the continental plate?

The North American Current Loop

Let’s examine North America. The Ring of Fire is the obvious path of a subsurface current because it forms a lineament of volcanoes from Alaska to Central America.


There are three other major lineaments in North America’s interior. Yellowstone super-volcano is one end of a curving lineament of volcanoes in a trend that forms a part of the Snake River Valley across southern Idaho.


To the south is a string of volcanic fields called the Jemez Lineament. The Jemez Lineament extends diagonally from the Pinacate Volcanic field in Sonora, Mexico, northeast across Arizona, to the border between Colorado and New Mexico.


It’s bisected by a northwest-to-southeast lineament of volcanoes that include the San Francisco Peaks and the Uinkaret volcanoes on the North Rim of Grand Canyon.

SFField Quaternary fields_LI

With all of these plotted together on one map, a pattern begins to emerge that implies there is a current loop beneath North America. Plotted, the Jemez and San Francisco Peak volcanic lineaments produce an almost perpendicular cross pattern, juxtaposed symmetrically across the Colorado Plateau from the volcanoes of the Yellowstone complex, and aligned with the Ring of Fire.

volcano_lines2_LI (4)


The Jemez lineament aims directly to the Guadalupe micro-plate to the southwest, and to the arc of the Great Lakes to the Northeast.

The loop appears to circle the Great Lakes and points back to the Black Hills in South Dakota, which appears to be an inflection point. From there it points to the Juan de Fuca plate in a direct line through Yellowstone.

It has a similar shape and size to the Caribbean current loop, with the base of the loop wider than the tip.

Similar to the Caribbean Loop, there is a significant depression at the tip. In this case the Great Lakes, but they reside on the inside of the loop, whereas ocean trenches are outside of the Caribbean Loop.


And where the Caribbean Loop has volcanic islands inside the curve of the loop, the North American Loop has maar craters (see “The Maars of Pinacate“), which is a type of volcanic action forming a series of circular lakes outside the arc of the Great Lakes.


Maars are volcanoes created by steam and other gases exploding instead of spewing ash and lava. Smaller such expressions are known as karsts and breccia pipes. They are all forms of diatremes, and are often mined for uranium and precious metals, which the eruption leaves behind in the throat of the tube. The surface result is a crater instead of a cinder cone, and is typically filled with water.

The implication is that the loop current lies below aquifers that erupted in steam, creating the maars. And that the volcanic expression is to the outside of the loop, depressions to the inside, so current circulates north-to-south in this loop – opposite to the Caribbean Loop.


The shape of the Great Lakes, especially Lake Superior, show the sinuous shape of ground current movement. It appears the loop narrowed, or swung to the south, until the southern leg aligned to the Jemez Lineament.


The Yellowstone volcano lineament is a half circle, and also appears to be from ground current movement. In this case, the movement appears to be north from the Monterrey Micro-plate, to the Juan de Fuca triple junction. If so, this widened the base of the loop, with the pivot point of the shift at the Black Hills of South Dakota.


If I’m not telling you anything new, then try this:

How the Earth Thinks

The electrical structure of these small loop currents, and the junctions with large polar loops like the Ring of Fire, forms a circuit called an Operational Amplifier, commonly called an Op-Amp. An Op-Amp is type of current loop, but there is one key ingredient to an Op Amp that makes it special, and that’s a direct current (DC) connection to the loop, which amplifies the gain of output to input current by as much as one hundred-thousand. It can then be manipulated with additional circuitry –  resistance, inductance and capacitance in various configurations – to perform all kinds of tricks.


They can be made to oscillate, amplify, or invert. Op-Amps are at the heart of circuitry such as the old Hewlett-Packard calculator I used in college to perform complex math. Op-Amps did the adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing of my inputs, to give me outputs I needed to get a grade.

So, how does Nature insert this DC current into the loop? Lightning. Lightning strikes DC pulses into the ground. In the environment we’re exploring, lightning struck continuously. Long enough and powerful enough to draw supersonic winds and matter to build mountains, like the Black Hills of South Dakota, which is an inflection point in the loop.


From that inflection point, the Yellowstone volcano aligns with lightning generated mountains of Sacajewea Peak and the Black Hills along the sub-surface current path.

lyellowstoone dipoles1

If the Op-Amp needs a shot of DC current, Nature organizes itself to provide by stirring a storm that spits lightning in the appropriate place, thereby fulfilling it’s fractal pattern requirements. Escher’s hands.

I won’t go into detail about how Op-Amps work. There are plenty of books about them. One attribute certain Op-Amps have I want to point out. Properly configured, the bridge between the triple junctions experiences a low, almost zero current relative to the current outside the junctions and in the loop. This corresponds to the “bridge” region of the Ring of Fire between the Mendocino Triple Junction and the Guadeloupe Micro-plate, where there are but a few sparsely spread volcanoes.

Compared to the Cascades and Olympics, or the profusion of large volcanoes in Mexico, only Mt. Shasta, Lassen, Mammoth and a few anemic lava flows fill out the bridge section. The relatively low density and magnitude of volcanoes is evidence that current was restricted along the bridge, just like an Op Amp.

Rupert Sheldrake, are you listening?

But the bigger take on all this, is that the Earth is a damn computer. There is no other conclusion to draw when there are op-amps all over the circuit, clicking and switching currents around. The Earth works as a coherent circuit. It’s a circuit within a bigger circuit centered on the Sun. And it has circuits within it, shaping the continents and weather.

There is no “butterfly effect”. A butterfly doesn’t stir 300 mph tornadoes. It’s one of the fallacies of modern science that leads to accepting abstract and frivolous ideas. There are fluctuations in signal strength Earth receives from the solar system. Earth is a ball of energy and matter, and when it gets extra energy it stores some in the matter. As Earth’s balance with the solar system oscillates, as it must, skin effects take place as Earth’s matter absorbs and releases energy. Those skin effects are geology and weather, and they are driven by capacitance as energy flows between Earth’s layers of matter.

Ionization and induced currents are the natural result. We have been looking at the physical evidence. There is nothing described in these chapters that is implausible, or unscientific. It is what is expected on a planet. It’s what physics predicts if the inquiry begins with the proper framework.

The next chapter will be the final one for the Eye of the Storm project. We’ll summarize and draw some final conclusions.

Thank you.