Month: December 2017

Merry Christmas

To all of you, have a joyful and safe Christmas holiday. I hope you are surrounded with the people you love, warmth, good food and good cheer. Today is a day to cherish the moment, count your blessings and do wonderful things for others. The bliss you feel is your Christmas present.

The Daily Plasma takes this moment to silently thank those in harms way – those who are sacrificing their Christmas to keep us safe. We pray for their comfort and safety. We pray for a future when they stay home.

This will be a Christmas like no other. The coming new year will be like no other. An awakening is upon us, and the light of a new day is rising to bleach the stains of corruption from our eyes. May your eyes be open and aware.

Look to the wonder of Nature. Understand we are part of it, not an invasive species. We can live wisely and free in this world if we simply respect everything in it. Resolve to breath in the open air; to look at the sky and marvel at the landscape. It’s beauty and bounty is there to awe and sustain us.

And may you all be blessed with the opportunity to be charitable to those who have no home, no family, or warmth. Help them by sharing your love. And may your new year be profitable in joy.


From The Daily Plasma

UFO’s – Government Comes Clean

People with curiosity and an open mind know there’s strangeness in the sky – lights, fireballs, discs, triangles. Apparitions in the sky are recorded throughout history – since ancient myth – so no one should be surprised something is going on. But so many live under city lights, they rarely have opportunity to see the sky, let alone its rare surprises.

Oddly enough, it’s the educated people trained to notice, observe, and find answers; the scientists, who are the primary deniers of unidentified flying objects. But their ignorance is no surprise. They only talk about things they can identify, and pretend the other things aren’t there.

But now we get a hint at the truth. The U.S. Government now admits the Pentagon seriously studied the UFO phenomena from 2009 to 2012, based on sightings that were officially recorded, even on film. So it turns out the conspiracy theorists were right. The Government knows and has kept it secret, until now.

Skeptics will say this doesn’t prove the existence of unidentified flying objects, but let’s be real. The Pentagon wasn’t chasing fairies. They had something they were studying, and some officials involved remain so convinced and committed to understanding the phenomena, they still take reports and do research voluntarily. You can read all about it in the New York Times, “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program” and in Politico Magazine, “The Pentagon’s Secret Search for UFO’s”.

The articles provide all the details about funding, the politicians, researchers, private enterprise and scientists involved. There is even film from an F-18 Navy fighter of an object that could not possibly be anything conventional.

What the Government doesn’t say is what the damn things are. UFO’s remain mysterious as ever. The disclosure only confirms something is going on in the sky we don’t understand, but after millions of dollars and rigorous research, no one knows what. No little green men, no anti-gravity technology, at least none disclosed yet. Just a big fat question mark.

An artist conception. Who knows what it really looks like.

And in the midst of this disclosure, we also find these big long things flying through the Solar System. People think they’re space ships.

And coupled with the Pentagon disclosure, it looks like we are being invaded. Depending on political bent, some people think either the aliens are anti-Trumpers come to save us, or they are Trump’s friends he called to drain the swamp.

The UFO community is having a field day on YouTube. The usual suspects are handing out “I-told-you-so’s” and, I’m sure, gaining subscriptions to their channels. New books will be written, and Ancient Aliens will be rehashed again with a new audience. People will watch the sky, convinced more than ever we have alien visitors.

But we don’t. At least, there is no evidence of alien visitors in these disclosures. It just confirms there is something going on in the sky we don’t understand. Before concluding we have visitors, and given that the nearest star system is an inaccessible 4 light years away, natural terrestrial causes need to be considered first. There is an explanation for most sightings of UFO’s, especially the kind this Pentagon study looked into.

Gremlins have been reported by pilots since we first took to the air. Flying objects that appear solid, and move with purpose, performing maneuvers at speeds that appear to defy physics. Far more sightings occur than are reported, because we know pilots careers can be ruined by disclosure.

Glowing objects and lights in the sky are all they are seeing. There are no defining features witnessed to confirm there is any form of life in them. What passes for evidence is a geometric form and apparently intelligent control. That may be enough to convince many people they must be either man-made, or alien. But Nature produces geometric forms that act under intelligent control, too.

A thunderstorm is a good example. It takes a distinct form and produces predictable results. It’s all dictated by natural means, of course, but if you didn’t know anything about the mechanics of weather, it would appear those anvil topped clouds pounding the earth with lightning, wind and rain in predictable annual cycles were under intelligent control. Indeed, that is exactly what our ancestors thought.

The same logic is at work with UFO’s. Patterned behaviors are witnessed, so it’s believed to be from intelligent control, or design, and can’t possibly be natural. We’ve been conditioned to believe Nature is random, yet in reality Nature is patterned in every way. We fool ourselves simply because we don’t comprehend.

My posts are mostly dedicated to exploring the Electric Universe Theory. I’ve focused much of my attention this year on the electromagnetic structure of our environment and how it influences weather and geology. Articles in The Daily Plasma especially look into specific evidence for the influence of Earth’s geomagnetic field on the surface of the land and in the atmosphere. There is a connection that influences our lives everyday, yet we are nearly oblivious to it.

It’s the circuit that flows in the geomagnetic field and electrically couples with the solid crust of the planet. This circuit is what causes most UFO’s. The objects people witness are electromagnetic phenomena.

If you read the linked articles, it was pointed out that a concentration of these sighting are near nuclear power plants and nuclear powered ships. This is one obvious reason the Pentagon became involved at looking at UFO’s – they present a potential national security threat. But there is a reason they appear near power generation. They also appear near volcanoes and thunderstorms for the same reason. Power plants, thunderstorms and volcanoes are sources of radiation.

The geomagnetic field in the atmosphere responds to what is on the surface of the Earth below it. Electric fields are feedback mechanisms. Electric fields move charged particles, and moving charged particles alter the electric field. It’s an ever dynamic system of shifting gradients that effects every particle in it’s influence. And it’s influence is everywhere. Invisible to us, yet influencing every atom that isn’t nailed down by an electrical bond with other atoms. And hence the gases in our atmosphere are motivated, creating density and temperature variations that cause the winds.

The winds are connected to the weather, the weather is connected to the climate, the climate is connected to how we live, and so it goes. It’s all connected by a circuit and that’s the circle of life. UFO’s are just one little part of it that occurs when a bit of emf gets wrapped inside its own magnetic field and makes a ball of energy.

I’ll admit I can’t explain how this happens. The physics of a plasmoid are still obscure. But that’s what people see when they see glowing objects and lights in the sky. Electric current wadded up into plasmoids, or plasmoid-like entities, where moving charged particles – a plasma – is wrapped in its own magnetic field creating a cellular structure.

Plasmoids are simple to produce. Stick aluminum foil in a microwave and turn it on. The little balls of spinning energy that fly of the foil are plasmoids. This is microwave energy, melting a bit of aluminum and carrying it away. The same thing can happen when using an electric, or plasma welder. Bits of metal get charged by ionization and go spinning away, acting like they have a life of their own.

What we don’t understand is how they can form stable entities. We can make plasmoids in the lab, but we can’t make them last more than a fraction of a second. How one becomes stable for several minutes is a mystery. But Nature can do a lot of things we don’t understand.

Volcanoes produce all kinds of radiation. They are big spewers of heat, rock, sound and ionic matter. Electricity is produced in a variety of ways, from moving mass at tremendous velocities, temperature and pressure changes, piezoelectric effects from vibration and ground currents induced from these forces can escape into the atmosphere in a ball of ionic matter.

Power plants also produce radiation from the massive high voltage transmission lines and substation switch gear. Leakage at electrical connections will even glow with plasma discharge if the system becomes unbalanced, insulation is damaged, or continuity in the wires is compromised.

If a pulse of radiating energy gets bound with some matter, like dust, the plasmoid incorporates it into its structure. The plasmoid, mixed with matter, produces a cellular structure that will take a form. The form can be well organized, in a lens, cylinder or ball shape, if the electromagnetic field is well structured, or they can be somewhat amorphous clouds that even change shape. Swamp gas is a good example of an amorphous plasma entity.

Clouds are another example. They are matter – water vapor in the atmosphere – bound in a double layer of electrical charge. Clouds are encapsulated partial plasmas, with negative charge on the lower interface, or bottom ‘surface’, and positive charge on top. Clouds are a diffuse form of electrical entity.

The movement of a plasmoid obeys electric fields. The glowing plasmoid, with it’s internal electric field, will react to the ambient electric field in accordance with the push and pull of potential gradients. When an airplane enters the proximity of the object, it effects the electric field and the object’s motion will be effected too. Hence gremlins tend to track with the airplane until it meets a stronger field force that sends it shooting off  in another direction. This is why they seem to be controlled intelligently.

As far as the big long objects in space are concerned, EU Theory maintains that asteroids and comets are debris from a planetary cataclysm. Finding long chunks of rock in the solar system is actually expected if you take EU seriously. The big puzzle is why they were never seen before now. It appears they are floating into the inner solar system from outside of the ecliptic plane where all the other planets and rocks are found. They could even be from outside the Solar System, and the velocity and trajectory of the first one seen, named Oumuomuo, seems to bear this out.

It’s my opinion these are chunks of rock blasted from Mars, or another planet during a “Worlds in Collision” type scenario. If we could get a sample of one, I’d put money on a bet they match the surface rocks found on Mars near Valles Marinaris.

I also think they were blasted to the edge of the Solar System where they have remained hidden from us until now. The reason they are floating into the inner system all the sudden, is because the Sun is going dark in a Maunder Minimum. The electrical balance of the Solar System is changing as a result, and these objects were pushed inward by the changing electric field in the heliosphere. I expect we will see an increase in comets and near earth objects in the years to come, just like the ancients reported when they went through cataclysmic changes during the Solar cycle.

Of course there are objects witnessed in the sky that can’t be explained as electromagnetic phenomena. I have seen a triangular craft that made no sound as it flew over me. It was definitely a craft and definitely something that isn’t publicly known. But so what. The government isn’t giving us all of its secrets, yet.

The marvelous, wondrous thing to behold in this story isn’t about UFO’s at all. It’s about the Government telling us the truth for a change.  Something has changed for the better in Washington for the release this data to even happen. When has that ever happened before? First the release of the JFK files, and now the UFO files. I wonder if NASA has anything to share? Or the Forest Service.

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The Paradigm Shift

When common sense becomes idiocy, and uncommon ideas become accepted, it’s called a paradigm shift. We are in the throes of one now. The pendulum has swung, the Rubicon is crossed, because “the times, they are a changin’.”

Nothing exemplifies this more than an article in the Washington Post titled, We don’t need to save endangered species. Extinction is part of evolution. The author is, R. Alexander Pyron who is the Robert F. Griggs Associate Professor of Biology at George Washington University.

It’s a courageous article that lays out the case to stop obsessing over the effect of human civilization on the planet, and start making the future of humanity a priority over polar bears. Extinction is part of the evolutionary cycle, and if Snail Darters go extinct because we’ve dammed the rivers, so be it. That’s a natural consequence of one organism gaining control over an environment and pushing out another. It happens in nature all the time.

Nature adapts. No one actually suffered when the Do-Do Bird went extinct. The Earth has been through multiple mass extinctions when as much as 95% of species died. Life always came back in a flourish, and with more diversity. That’s how humanity came to evolve.

He’s not advocating we pave over the continents with asphalt and chrome. He advocates for sustainability, but sustainability for humans, and let the chips fall as they may for other species. He doesn’t use these words, but it could be termed a return to conservation, in lieu of rabid environmentalism. It’s remarkable given that common wisdom has been, for decades now, humans are at fault for destroying the planet.

It’s remarkable because it’s an example of the paradigm shift. It’s particularly remarkable, because it’s a new battle front in the culture war. What we are seeing is a change in thinking within academia. The scientific community is beginning to question itself.

After all, it was scientists who raised the furor that got DDT banned to save eagles, and allow millions of people to die from malaria instead. It was scientists who said we made the temperature of the planet go up by a fraction of a degree, and require sacrifices to mitigate perceived damage from man-made CO2, when in reality it helps plants grow. Science gets it wrong, frequently.

The scientific community is in the middle of a culture war, and it’s part of the broader culture war that is sweeping through society. It’s the paradigm shift. Some people think the world is turning topsy-turvy, and others think its finally returning to common sense.

Women who have been abused are no longer intimidated by their abusers and are calling them out. That seems a good thing.

People are tired and annoyed at overpaid, ignorant celebrities shooting off their mouth, and taking a knee. Also a good thing.

The value of the entertainment industry as a whole is faltering, as it pumps out the umpteenth sequel, songs that all sound the same and tired, unfunny, politicized humor. People want original and creative works that the industry can’t provide.

Government (at least mine) is turning it’s attention to improving life for the people it governs, instead of sacrificing our interests for the sake of weaving us into some kind of world corporation. That is a very good thing.

Not only is it attending to the business of governing the people who elected it, it’s even purging the corruption that led to its misapplication. There are people in high places falling everyday, called out as thieves, liars and hypocrites. There will be many going to jail.

The economy is turning to safe, secure crypto-currency that will eliminate the blood sucking banks. The middleman role financial institutions imposed to carve their wealth from ours is going extinct, and when it happens, like the Do-Do Bird, we aren’t going to miss them.

Technology is reaching for computing speeds and algorithms that promise to drive us into a new age of robotics and artificial intelligence. In spite of fears this will become an Orwellian nightmare, an open source world is emerging that takes the power of information away from elites and puts it in the hands of the people.

And scientists are finally questioning their ability to be fair and objective. The practice of fudging data to fit an agenda is falling out of favor as mountains of peer reviewed work is found to be based on biased, or even fraudulent statistics. It has become apparent that the quest for funding has taken priority over the quest for truth, and the scientific community is doing some soul searching.

In the midst of all this change, there is a return to spirituality at it’s core. Responsible people are realizing the vacuous, soulless, hopelessness of a sterile and godless universe is unappealing, except to those who don’t want to be held to a moral framework. People are realizing there is more interconnectedness, more organization and more coherence to the universe than particle soup and gravity can explain. People are realizing science has misled us about a lot of things.

The paradigm is changing. A new world view is emerging that values truth over happy thoughts. Authenticity is gaining admiration in society, at the expense of materialistic greed and phony marketing propaganda. And at least a few scientists are waking to the fact they don’t know shit.


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