Month: June 2018

Writer’s Block

As a personal note to my readers:

I have had plenty of time to write over the last six months. No excuse, my discipline fell apart, my interests diverted away, and I am still struggling to return. I feel I should give you the anatomy of my writer’s block so you will understand. Your trust in my ideas begins with trusting me.

Beginning in November I sank into the rabbit hole known as Q-anon. If you know what that is, I need say no more, and if you don’t, there is no point trying to explain. It’s something you need to discover for yourself. I can only speak to those who know.

As we watched the week of BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM unfold, I feel I spent the time well following all things Q instead of writing. After all, my writing is about this Earth, so I must pay attention to what is happening now, as much as to what may have shaped the Earth long (or not so long) ago. It is all connected.

Every night I look at Saturn. It’s especially bright in the sky, at opposition to the Sun. I can see a moon, it must be Titan, clearly with the naked eye. It’s orbit brings it between the five o’clock and seven o’clock position every night, like the pendulum of a clock: Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock.

As I write, I listen to AG Jeff Sessions announce a zero tolerance policy on illegal immigration. Hardly a minor thing, but ignored by mainstream media. It’s the law of the nation, and is finally being respected and enforced. That is the job of the chief executive office. Thank God someone is doing their job. If you lived near the border that I do, you would too.

The world is changing NOW. As I write, a little bit of world peace is being restored in Singapore. As I write, a war is being waged and won, by the good guys. Corruption is being routed, and dishonesty is being exposed.

The balance between good and evil just shifted beneath our feet. The materialism and relativism of the last age is yielding to monotheism, and truth. The day the meek prevail – those of inner strength and quite ways – has come, led by the biggest bombast (and most sincere person) of the century. How ironic, yet appropriate.

I’ve been focused on the events unfolding, because they will lead to many true things coming to  light. The awakening will eventually get to science.

This last week, Anthony Bourdain died. I do not believe it was suicide. I do not believe anyone, let alone a dozen, or so celebrities, can hang themselves from doorknobs. I don’t pay much attention to celebrities, but Bourdain was an honest man. Honest to himself, which was evident in his writing.  His life needn’t have finished. I think he died for the truth. In that way, he reminds me of my brother Don.

In February, my brother died. Don was seventy-two. He died of heart failure in his sleep. A peaceful passing, but far too soon. The effect on me was like no other. I mourned my mother, and my brother Jim, as well as my cousins, and Aunt and Uncle – all who have died in the past two years. That grief I coped with differently.

It was a shock to everyone who  knew him. Don was a person who respected everyone, and that respect reflected on him with the amplified effect of our own distorted lenses. We all have faults Don didn’t have. He was something of an archetype to the family and those who knew him. The square-jawed Marine pilot. The confident Airline Captain. The person who would stop to give you aid if you were stranded on the roadside. I’ve seen him do that many times. Unlike many, he could be depended on.

Not that he was Jesus, but he was certainly different. This is not a eulogy for Don, however. I cannot yet bring myself to write one. Don’s influence on me, and the influence of his death, is all part of the change. One can’t be “red pilled” by externalities only. One must red-pill yourself inside. Don’s passing laid bare my dependence on him. It laid bare the contrast between us. The consequence is to recognize my own faults and manipulations, moral turpitude, and callous cowardice in the process.

I’m not sure I’ll be a better person, but I’m more aware of when I’m a shit. Maybe it will help.

As it relates to the Electric Universe, my stall-out writing Trailer Park Cosmology, Thunderblogs, climbing triangular buttresses, hunting Bigfoot and answering the many comments and emails from readers, I hope you will stay with me and understand I have much, much more to say. My hiatus was a needed black-out to get my own house in order – literally, since I’ve had to physically move residence.

Now that the dam is breaking. Now that change has begun, I feel so much better. I’ve been growing my hair for five months. It’s time for a ridiculous haircut. Look forward to more posts soon.

Thank you.

The Great Awakening

Do I have to be the one to point out the obvious? Okay, I will:

Yes, Lil’ Kim will keep his word and denuclearize his country. Peace will reign on the Korean Peninsula. If you don’t believe me, then look at the hair…


Hair & Peace

In spite of all the nasty things said between these two – talk of who’s missiles are bigger, and such, The Donald never tweeted a single word about Kim’s chili-bowl. Nor did Kim attack Trump’s orange bird’s nest. They never mentioned hair. It’s evidence they are sympatico.

Darlin’, give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming, steaming, flaxen, waxen
Give me down to there hair, shoulder length or longer
Here, baby, there, momma, everywhere, daddy, daddy
Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my hair
[From Hair by Galt Mac Dermot / Gerome Ragni / James Rado; Hair lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc]

Trump and Kim are bringing back hair… and peace. Sampson would be thrilled. So would the Cowsills. Before long, the walls of corruption will tumble, people will trip on LSD, and dance in the streets.

In fact, someone once suggested, maybe it was Terence McKenna, that if you put world leaders together and made them trip on LSD, they might not want to go to war the next day. The Trump/Kim summit in Singapore was just such a meeting.

Even though it was obviously prepared months in advance, and I seriously doubt any drugs were involved, the spirit of the meeting was the same. It was the result of people with outrageous hair, making an honest assessment of the situation, and agreeing to a win/win resolution.

LSD would have made them do the same thing, because you can’t lie to yourself on LSD. If you can’t lie to yourself, you can’t lie, so you can’t be a politician. The hair should tip you off: these guys aren’t playing for politics, they’re playing for life.

Trump holds all the cards – he can help North Korea become a world class economy, or destroy it. Kim can become a hero, or dead after a long bloody battle he can’t win. Easy choice. No doubt Kim will keep his word.

Pundits wring there hands that Kim will not give up nukes. Or that his conventional forces alone can wipe-out Seoul, so even if he did give up the nukes (and they insist he won’t) it won’t change things. Or that war breaks out, possibly millions die, and US forces will be sucked once again into a foreign quagmire.

Kim is the one who doesn’t want war. The war would be fought in his country, and we would own the airspace and the surrounding seas. American Special Forces would hunt his hide every day, looking into every spider hole in the country until they found him – like they did with Saddam Hussein. Kim doesn’t want that.

Besides, Kim sincerely wants to bring his country out of the hermit hole. He isn’t stupid. Remember, he didn’t start North Korea’s rogue state behavior, he inherited it. He’s only been in power a few years, and of those years, he probably wasn’t in full control until recently. Changing the course of his country will cement his leadership far better than chasing a bigger nuclear arsenal. Even Dennis Rodman has this figured out.

Kim knows his situation is unsustainable. He knows, and his people know, of the prosperity across the borders in South Korea and China. He knows he has the power, right now, to change his country for the better. His nuclear program has already accomplished it’s greatest purpose to get him to this place. Continuing to build nukes will only bring hostility, sanctions, or war.

Don’t worry, he’ll keep his word.

Imagine if he did back out, or try to continue nuclear development after walking on the world stage for the first time and making this commitment. He would be vilified, and the hopes of all healthy-minded people dashed, especially those in his own country.

Would China want Kim to back-out on the deal? No. They have bigger fish to fry. They don’t want millions of refugees swarming their border.

What would happen if he backed out? Total isolation. Strangling sanctions. The continued threat, internally and externally, of assassination, or regime change. Back to the dark ages. He can’t keep building nukes to blackmail for concessions. The world stage isn’t set to entertain that kind of appeasement anymore.

And the reason for that is … the Great AWAKENING.

Readers of The Daily Plasma are awake, almost by default. If you’re here to read about the Electric Universe, or Bigfoot for that matter, you already know we’ve been lied to about a lot of things, and that the paradigms of materialism and relativism chain much of humanity to false beliefs. You are already awake to that fact.

What is the Awakening? Some people reduce it to Trump and the MAGA movement. Even if you are not an American, you are awake if you root for President Trump to succeed. If you see the sincerity in the President’s determination to do the right thing in the most powerful job in the world – a job that affects everyone in the world. If you can see the brilliance in his means and methods, and understand the psychology of his tweets, then you are awake. If not, pity you, because your world is about to turn upside down.

In a larger context though, Trump is just the wavefront, the emboldened surfer riding the crest of the Awakening. The real Awakening has its roots in philosophy and how we perceive the cosmos. Materialism is dying. Dualism is dying. Relativism is dying. A new look at monotheism is in the making. It isn’t going to be just a religious resurgence. It will take time, but old dogmas will die. It’s going to be scientifically based on the obvious patterns in Nature. At its core are all the concepts of an Electric Universe.

Scientists are finally coming to grips through mathematics, that there can only be one THING. From calculus and field equations of classical physics, through quantum theory, to string theory, all maths point to a single origin – except, of course, General Relativity, which doesn’t quite fit without phony variables and constants (a sure sign it doesn’t belong). The maths point to a single fabric of the cosmos, which is essentially, pure information.

We call it the Aether, but new mainstream theories will call it something else. They can’t admit they are retreading old ground. They are still stuck in materialist paradigms and will see the obvious as their own special insight – so they will rename it. But mankind has called it many names over the ages.

What is obvious is that there is only one THING. Everything we experience – the physics we experience; force and motion, matter and gravity, space and time, wind and fire, electricity and magnetism, are all emergent from one single THING. The cosmic fabric of pure information.

That is what the Aether has to be. Electric Universe Theory leads us to this. Information is embodied in waves. If you break any wave down to a mathematical construct, it embodies the information of it’s existence. It’s amplitude, phase, frequency, angular momentum – all physical information is embodied in the wave. Quantum calculations are predictions of probability waves. If you disregard the concept of particle-wave duality, and consider matter is an emergent property, things begin to make sense.

Charge. Positive and Negative. Peaks and Troughs. Waves. The fundamental substrate of information from which every particle and the forces that motivate them emerge. Has any information ever been transferred without some form of electromagnetic wave? Light, sound, radio, microwave, laser beam. – even smoke signals and books require transmission of light.

So how can it be deduced there is only one THING? Because, only one THING can give rise to both consciousness and physics. The Alpha and Omega, as has been said. The underlying substrate of pure information – the holographic universe that gives rise to all things. And we must be honest and admit this is monotheistic.

With only one THING, a membrane of surging waves transforms with frequency into second, third, and ‘nth’ order effects that emerge in phase transitions. Traveling waves, vortices, standing waves and plasmoids encode all of mathematics – the prime numbers, the golden ratio, pi, trigonometry, field theory, differential calculus, quantum theory, fractal geometry, cellular automata and string theory are all encoded in waveforms. It is the nature of fractals – waveforms are fractal – and fractals are the nature of Nature.

Fractals evolve and repeat, infinitely. Fractals describe the diffusion of charge in lightning bolts, plasmoids, solid state matter, ocean waves, plasma discharge, crystals, clouds, organic molecules, weather, geologic forms, life forms – every aspect of the cosmos is constructed of fractal forms. Whether dynamic or “static” (there is no such thing as “static” electricity – the electric field potential is always changing) in various phases of ‘substance’, the electrical circuitry remains the same and is fundamental to it’s existence.

Plasma, noble gas, liquid, solid, organic; each phase is an ‘octave’ in the frequencies of the Aether, where matter manifests in higher orders of organization as one moves further down (or up) the bandwidth from the purest source of energy –  the raw information that is encoded in the wave.

But they are all notes of a single tune. Octaves of the Aether’s bandwidth are where harmonic resonance and interference, expansion and compression, produce higher order properties. If all is one THING, consciousness is one with it, and follows this same fractal repetition. Therefore a hierarchy of consciousness must exist that leads inexorably to the conclusion: there are levels of consciousness beyond our own.

There are no extra dimensions. There is only extra bandwidth in the vibrations of the Aether that we can’t sense. Just as we only see the visible light bandwidth in electromagnetic fields with our eyes, we cannot see beyond our instruments what octaves of vibration occur within a subatomic particle. Nor can we see the grand orchestration of the Universe beyond the reach of our telescopes. Our entire cosmos could be a fluff of dander in some giant’s bellybutton, for all we really know.

Call it God, Akashic record, Aether, the Grand Morphic Field – there are planes of consciousness we emerge from, and return to, and are never apart from, but have largely lost touch with during this soul-numbing dark age of materialism.

The ancients understood it better than we. They called it Yin-Yang, darkness and light, good and evil. It’s embodied in mythology, religions and ancient stone, but we forgot the lessons and applied a veneer of materialist, reductionist ‘rationalism’ that obscures the true meaning. Dogmas are the result of human hubris. It’s our method of imagining truths, not the result of seeking them.

The Awakening requires us to seek the truth. A rise in the potential of the Aether is affecting our consciousness. Between the base of the spine that produces instinctive reactions, and the frontal lobe that produces independent reasoning, we have a less understood region of the brain that produces hormones, emotions and intuitive, gut level feelings. Trump is a genius because he knows how to use this part of his brain.

It is, coincidentally,  the region that responds to psychedelics. This region is our antenna with the cosmos. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that psychedelic visions are of fractal patterns.

Modern science – even the most out of the box thinkers – are stuck in materialism. Even though they are beginning to admit that Nature is holographic, they imagine their holographic universe as digital. This is more human hubris. Digital information is a wholly human construct. Ones and zeros don’t define the cosmos. Ones and zeros have to be packaged in a string of artificial coding to produce complex information. To use ones and zeros, we form them from electromagnetic waves, transmit them with electromagnetic waves and reconstitute into electromagnetic waves to make sense of them. They are not fundamental entities of information.

Waves are. Waves encode all information. No one in modern times understood this better the than Nicolai Tesla. Arguably, no one knows more about Tesla than the man who first read his files after he died. That man was John G. Trump, an Electrical Engineer, MIT Professor, and uncle to President Donald J. Trump. I wonder … does Trump surf the crest of the Awakening because his uncle woke him up a long time ago?