Month: April 2017

Trailer Park Cosmology – 2

Chapter Three – Uncle Smith

If rolling stones gather no moss, my Uncle Smith was a rock-slide. Not kinetically – he always seemed very calm – but emotionally, living the moment in a state of pure joy.

When I was a child in the sixties, Smith lived and traveled the National Parks in a Streamline travel-trailer towed behind a Dodge pick-up. He took his wife, Mildred, and a small dog.

He was a seventy-plus year-old, free-spirit, when the Beatles wore matching page-boy haircuts and suits – in other words, even when ‘rebels’ helplessly conformed more obviously than normal, Smith was authentically weird.

Smith and Mildred with the road weary Streamline

He was old and retired, living on a pension from the time I could remember. I physically outgrew him before I reached puberty. Built like a wiry elf, he weighed about ninety pounds, with more hair in his ears than anywhere else.

He was blind in one eye. His wire-rimmed glasses had the bad eye fogged, but were so dirty and scratched you couldn’t tell. The eye was poked-out by a tree branch, he claimed, while chasing a bear from camp one night in the woods. He had only aspirin and cotton-balls to catch the draining fluid, while he slept in a tent until daylight. He said he slept – I don’t know how – the bear alone would have kept me up.

Smith was actually my great uncle, my Grandmother’s brother on Dad’s side. Dad was born in 1910, and I in ‘57, so there’s some generation gap at play. Lord knows when Smith was born, but he grew up at a time when pipe-organs outnumbered cars, sometime after the ‘War between the States’.

On the subject of pipe organs, that was his occupation back in the day – organ tuner. Not a cleanse-your-colon, fitness guru you’ll find if you ‘Google’ that term today, but a pipe-organ tuner.

There were not many of them even fifty years ago – Smith may have been the last. In any case, he never voluntarily retired. Pipe-organs did.

Pipe organs are the only musical instrument that can’t be taken to the shop for tuning. They need a building to hold them up, so, Smith got used to travel. Eventually, the number of vaudeville, bawdy houses and churches with pipe organs dwindled as the century ticked away. Smith got a travel-trailer and kept driving with Mildred and the dog.

He’d take the job of Camp Host in National Parks where they’d stay the season, then visit kin in the weeks between odd-jobs at the handful of Mormon temples still using pipe organs. He was always on a continuous roam, Mildred and the dog with him, or not. At some point in my youth, the dog quit showing up.

He followed the seasons through a circle of his favorite haunts that ranged the entire west. Oak Creek, Sedona and Apache Junction were favorite camps on the Arizona leg of his loop. There is a cluster of family in Tucson, a good VA hospital, and our trailer park for a place to stay, so we were on his route.

Most of his waking hours he spent at a workshop in the back of the Dodge beneath a camper shell. It was a complex and messy workshop from his days roaming the country tuning organs. Besides the carpentry and machining tools required for pipe organ maintenance, there were automotive tools, and everything for the Streamline RV. Except for food, Smith carried everything he needed with him.

Because it was what he liked to do, he spent most of his time tinkering in the workshop. One thing he made was a bellows from wood, leatherette and brass tacks, with a rolled sheet-metal nozzle and marble for a check valve. He originally made them for tuning pipe organs, because he needed a way to blow air through the pipes to get sound.


The bellows also worked marvelous with a fireplace, and he continued to make them long after the last pipe organ wheezed. We got several for those chilly, sub-100 degree days we lit the fire-place in Tucson.

While Smith worked at the narrow workbench on the tailgate of his truck, work piece in a vise bolted to the bumper, I helped him. At that time in my life, adults were generally telling me to shut-up, or go away. Smith asked for my thoughts, encouraging me to join him in whatever he was doing and talk. He was always interested to listen, and interesting to listen to.

Smith’s pipe organ days must have been something. He took my Father to Chicago with him in the later days of Prohibition. Drinking establishments bloomed in Chicago like nowhere else on Earth back then, because they were illegal. Nothing makes business boom better than making it illegal, and Chicago was ground zero for illegal booze. Dad was about twenty, and while Smith tuned bawdy house organs, Dad got a job helping manage an A&P store.

I asked my Father about those days once – I mean Speakeasy’s and Al Capone – he was right there – I wanted his ‘Forest Gump’ account.

I learned more than I wanted about A&P’s. Capone and the gangsters he only remembered reading about in the papers. All he said about Speakeasy’s was, “We called them clubs”.

That’s as much as I got. But Dad had a butterfly tattooed to the inside of his right arm he never spoke about. Something so out-of-place with the straight-up Father I knew, it had to be from those days of his youth in the Chicago “clubs”.

And I think it strange it was a butterfly, given my own obsession with them now.

Smith told stories about the war. And I mean – The War: World War I. The best I heard involved him and a driver, he said, inadvertently crossing enemy lines. They were in France carrying some communication, or moving from one place to another for a reason I don’t recall, and suddenly they realized the uniforms around them were different.

He said they turned around and hauled out of there before anyone noticed their uniforms were different too.

I try to picture such a scene. It has a ‘Three Stooges’ element to it that, along with Smith’s mischief, makes the story less credible. But then, stranger things have happened.

I can’t picture Smith holding a gun in anger. Perhaps he never did, but he surely witnessed the darkest side of man. Though he never told me anything gruesome about the war, I imagine he saw things that would curdle blood. He only spoke about funny things, like the French he learned to parlez local girls. He probably didn’t want to remember the other parts. That’s sometimes how people are who have seen the darkest – they only want light shining through.

I remember most talking about the outdoors with Smith. He was the first adult who shared that passion with me; alp-en-glow in a mountain valley, bears at night, panning for gold… the adventure of wild places been, or to go.

One adventure of Smith’s nearly killed him. I was about thirteen and Smith was edging towards eighty. An older brother suggested we take a family hike. There was a miscalculation, or misread map involved somehow – I don’t remember, but the trail was well over twenty miles of rugged, steep terrain. In the mountains around here, that’s a hike better suited for two days, not one. Smith, of course, insisted on going.

The hike began beautifully. Crisp, chilly air at nine thousand feet on a bright spring morning. The creek was still sheathed in ice. As we crossed the stream on icy rocks, Smith slipped and broke through. He twisted his ankle and soaked his pants. He wouldn’t turn back though, said he was fine, just had a little limp to make him take it slow.

Of course, the pain and inflammation took awhile to build, and in the meantime we kept going.  As he slowed down more and more, the older ones stayed back with him and the younger of us went ahead. Smith seemed to be managing, so there was no reason to hold the young gun’s back. My brother and I separated from the group descending fast down switchbacks. I still remember how it burned my legs.

The sun went down miles before we reached the end of the trail. There was a fortunate full moon, because we had no flashlight. The moonlight gave an ethereal beauty to the canyon grasses shifting in the breeze. The trail from this point was easy ground, but it wound in hairpin turns through side canyons such that it took a mile of walking to advance a hundred yards.

Walking a mile to arrive at a point where you can throw a rock to the place you started is demoralizing. Mile after mile, every canyon looked the same, until we joked that we’d entered a nightmare.

“Imagine, if you will, a trail that never ends. Under a silver moon of surreal beauty, these unfortunate souls find it leads forever nowhere, because they have entered … The Twilight Zone.” That was the nature of our talk.

The final section of trail required a push over a ridge, then a long corkscrew of winding switchbacks to the end of the park road. It was such a relief to get down. Our feet were hot-irons, but my brother Rich also suffered toe-jam. It happens going downhill if your nails aren’t trimmed short. The pain is like bamboo shoots and will cause the affected toenail to turn green and eventually fall out.

Our glee at trail’s end was suddenly clouded by the realization there was no phone at the end of the road, and the Park gate was locked until morning. I think it was another four pain-filled miles to the gate and a telephone.

Sometime three, or four hours later my older brothers and sister-in-law came down, and Dad went to pick them up while I soaked in a hot shower. Smith wasn’t with them.

Still high on the mountain, he decided he needed to rest his leg, so he sat down and lit a fire. Then he decided the fire was warm and his leg was not working, and insisted on staying the night. My brothers were unsure about leaving him, but it was at a point of leave him, or spend the night with him. They gave him extra sweaters and came down.

In the morning we were at the gate when it opened and immediately set up the trail. Smith met us at the top of the switchbacks – almost down already. He was a little stiff, black-faced and dirty from crawling into the campfire coals to keep warm, but remarkably cheery.

It was below freezing that night. Not many octogenarians would have made it, or even attempted the hike. In spite of his fall, Smith knew his own capabilities and how to deal with the situation. The experience to him was of so little drama, he was embarrassed he put anyone to worry.

Had anyone suggested the following week to do the same hike again, Smith would have been the first to go. Probably by himself, because no one was making that suggestion.

Smith was unconventional. It’s the most endearing and memorable aspect of him. He lived on the fringe; happy, law-abiding and respectable, no man’s but his own. His example resonates through the family.

My take on life included a “Smithsonian” perspective forever-more. Uncle Smith’s alternative lifestyle seemed more agreeable than convention offered. Doing things mattered more than having things, to Smith. If given a mansion, I don’t think he would have known what to do with it. Anything more than what fit in his pick-up was too much.

Lifestyle isn’t the issue, though. A curious mind, empathy for the ways of others, minding ones own business and getting on with life in the fashion best suited for you is the point. Smith was a great example of those qualities.

We all have unique perspectives. From a trailer park, the perspective is closer to the edge of the lens, so to speak, and there is less distortion to reality. Layers and layers of social obligation and expectation are stripped away in a trailer park. So long as you keep the weeds down around the place, you’re socially acceptable.

Once that hurdle is met, one can do as they please. It’s classic Smithsonian. The night sky is brighter, more vivid and detailed from the top of a mountain than it is from a city. Such is the view of reality from the trailer park.

I’m actually a neoclassic Smithsonian. I lack the rigor for his austere simplicity, but ideologically I’m on the same page. It allows me a fresh take on Nature. Let’s now examine some notions about Nature from the trailer park perspective.

Chapter Four – The Chicken Hath No Egg

Everything being electric, phenomena scale infinitely, repeating fractal patterns within fractal patterns. The universe is a Mandelbrot Set of embedded repetitions. It has little to do with fancy mathematics. It’s cellular automata progression of self-same order over infinite magnitudes, producing similar effects at different scales.

The fractal forms are never exact reflections because they are modified by charge density and phase changes. Whether a hot plasma is at work, or a cold plasma we can’t see, the degree of ionization, relative polarity, charge density, electric field strength and field geometry are the things that influence most. Phase of material, whether liquid, gas, solid, or airborne water and dust; the mediums response to electromagnetic forces has relevance to the effect.

Proof of the concept is in the fractal forms that repeat over orders of magnitude in scale. To recognize the patterns becomes easy if the consensus brainwashing is ignored and a correct perspective is used.

Trailer Park Cosmology requires a change in how Earth is viewed in the first place. Our sight is limited, and therefore our perception. The “blue marble” of astonishing beauty we see in spacecraft photos only shows the reflection of visible light. Earth is much bigger, reaching all the way to the Moon with its electromagnetic sheath.

The Geomagnetic field should rightly be viewed as the boundary of the Earth. Looking at only the blue marble is like seeing the nucleus of an atom without electrons. The picture, and therefore perception of it, is incomplete.

structure_of_the_magnetosphere-en-svgThe Earth is a torus of electromagnetic energy orbiting in waves of solar wind. The blue marble spins inside, shielded from life threatening radiation by shells of magnetic field. Those shells induce current from the solar wind that emit coronal light at the poles – the aurora is a physical tell about the electricity in the Solar System that science has completely missed the significance of until recently.

The Earth is like the electromagnet inside a generator. It must be excited by current to manifest a magnetic field.

300px-schematic-of-combined-facs-and-ionospheric-current-systemsMagnetism is a consequence of electric current, it cannot come into existence on its own. It is the product of electricity flowing through dielectric matter. Mathematically, flowing a given quantity of current through a given dielectric barrier yields a given magnetic field. It’s like flowing water through a chiller to freeze it to ice. It’s phase change of energy – electricity to magnetism, like phase change of matter – water to ice, with the dielectric being the chiller that takes away heat.

That’s a simple analogy, but helps to define the relation of electricity to magnetism – that they are two sides of the same coin.

Magnetized rock and man-made magnets are the result of current that aligned the atomic dipoles of the matter into coherency, lining them up in the same direction so they are magnetically focused. The magnet keeps this focus as static, or Remanent magnetism until another electrical force changes the dipole orientation.

Man-made magnets are created by exposing ceramics to high voltage current. Natural magnetism, found in magnetite and load stones, are the result of past lightning strikes, or some similar exposure to current. Magnetic remnants of meteors were exposed to current at some point as well, perhaps as they entered Earth’s influence.

The problem with consensus scientific theory on the Earth’s magnetic field is that it’s predicated on the Earth’s core being a magnet whose spin creates the Geomagnetic field. The idea is like pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. To mix metaphors, it’s not a chicken-and-egg problem, but a chicken without an egg.

For the last hundred years they’ve said the Earth’s core is like a bar magnet, yet they can’t explain how the core of the Earth became a magnet. Their models also can’t explain why, if Earth’s core is an electrically static magnet, it’s magnetic field varies so much. It acts like an electromagnet, and that requires current. Without an internal current, Earth would be a dead hulk like Mars.

This fact is only recently being contemplated and beginning to be verified by surveys. Fast streams of magma below Earth’s crust have been detected that betray the electric current. It should be intuitively obvious, but that isn’t the way of science. Reduction before deduction is the name of their game, which means trees before forests, dumb before wisdom, etc. It’s an echo chamber of bad ideas.

Current has to be flowing through the interior of the Earth from the poles. There is no verifiable physical explanation for the Geomagnetic field without accepting, as fact, there is an excitation current internal to the blue marble that causes it to act as an electromagnet.

With current internal to the blue marble, and current in the ionosphere that surrounds the atmosphere, the layers in between are like plates in a capacitor with charge on either side. These plates, the atmosphere, and crust of the blue marble, are in charge equilibrium with the internal and external flows of energy.

Because the plates are charge neutral – the atmosphere and crust of the Earth always carry charge, but the vast predominance of matter in these regions is neutral – we live in an equi-potential layer that causes us to perceive equi-potential as the norm.

It’s not. The universe is filled with charged plasma and electric current. The ‘Goldilocks zone’ we occupy is a very special place. It’s special because it’s charge neutral, and balanced, or otherwise things would fly apart. Even so, it’s not without electrical drama. We live inside an electrical circuit.

Thunderstorms and hurricanes race through the atmosphere in the tropics, discharging accumulated atmospheric charge. Volcanoes and seismic zones stripe between the poles like the spiraling seams of a baseball, betraying the flow of current beneath the crust, and discharging to surface on occasion.

Given some change in the Solar System’s electrical environment, these layers become the most energetic. A change in electric field between internal and external currents stresses the equilibrium of the dielectric plates in between. We see it in the atmosphere every day.

In the course of understanding Earth’s crust, it becomes apparent the surface of the Earth was formed by winds and arcs of electricity more closely associated with the planet Jupiter than the Earth we know today. There is evidence for atmospheric coronal discharges causing gargantuan lightning bolts, surface conductive arcs, dielectric barrier discharges, sputtering discharges and global, uni-polar winds of supersonic velocity that fed vortex storms of immense size and energy. In proportion to Earth’s size, the storms were similar to the giant storm on Jupiter known as The Great Red Spot.

It also becomes evident those same forces are at work today in Earth’s atmosphere and lithosphere, creating the same effects only far milder. Whatever events caused the continents to form was an external influence to the Earth. The Earth’s response was no different then, from how it responds to external influence now, only the magnitude has changed.

This is how Earth looks from the trailer park. It’s because I watch a lot of thunderstorms – can’t help but notice since the roof leaks. Thunderstorms are the result of Earth’s electrical currents. They are themselves coronal loops.

Thunderstorms are a consequence of the dielectric breakdown of the atmosphere as it is subjected to an intensified electric field. Since we know more about them than we know about the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, or coronal storms on the Sun, they are the best place to begin understanding coronal dynamics on Earth.

Trailer Park Cosmology – 1


It’s time to begin this book, because I finally know the ending. I can’t tell you how important that is. Writing without an outline is a great way to exercise creativity, but it’s no way to write a serious book. This is a serious book.

I’m breaking the rule and writing without an outline, though. I know the ending, so its okay, but I need to amble and divert this message with humor and introspection. I can’t write without relying on humor, and that is something to do with the power of the message. It wants softening to pretty it up; some window dressing to blur the vision of hell it presents, for surely, some will see it as that.

Others are going to see beauty and know there is nothing to fear. You’re the people I’m talking to – you have a sense of humor. That’s what those awakening to reality need more than anything else.

The core of the book’s message is the answer to one of mankind’s Big Questions – how the surface of the Earth got it’s shape. It’s the one key piece in the jigsaw of the Cosmos that is tangible and readily available to us.

Science was born of the pursuit to understand Nature, yet no one can deny Nature poses as many enigmas today as it did when we began. Every scientific ‘answer’ turns out to be a guess that begs more questions. Why is that?

We are going to turn that around in this book, and start looking at answers to questions no one’s been asking. When answers to unasked questions start popping up everywhere, and you can see things with your own eyes, you will say, “Hot damn… this is real!”

Religion, myth, and iconography from the past echo a belief in catastrophic events that flooded the land, glowed in the sky and rained fire. Some of them are related as eyewitness accounts. Is it possible the ancient portrayal of celestial battles and thunderbolts of the Gods is true?

Schools, government and private institutions brim with scholars who say those myths are fantasy, because they believe tectonics tumbled Earth’s hard crust like a clothes dryer – very, very slowly. Could they be replacing one fantasy with another?

Today, a slew of self-righteous environmentalists, catastrophists and intelligent design theorists attempt new interpretations that involve meteors, solar storms and CO2. Are they thinking out of the box, or forcing results to fit their theories?

These questions can be answered. And now that I can settle the issue, I feel it’s urgent to get this out, so everyone can relax and focus on other important things.

I know, that sounds preposterous. You’re thinking, get the tin foil and make this guy a hat – another internet genius-in-his-own-mind. Well that may be, but what I’m going to show you is all based on real electromagnetic effects – things we can see and experience. I present visual evidence with my best explanation of its cause. This is a study in natural philosophy, one that brings cause and effect in the world around us into coherent focus. It’s your decision whether to believe what you see with your own eyes.

The patterns in nature aren’t some miraculous, unknowable coincidence of randomness. There is cause and effect in every pattern, from rocks and bird feathers, to clouds and lightning. The patterns reflect, fracture and nest in fractal repetition across scales from the atom to the entire cobweb of galactic clusters that make-up the universe. The face of Earth and all of the planets and moons were shaped by the same unified force of Nature – electricity. So too, all of the stars, galaxies, and odd, flickering, spooky things out there.

I’ll confess right now, I don’t have all of that figured out. Other people are covering those aspects of cosmology we call, Electric Universe Theory. My part only pertains to the face of the planet – how the continents were made, specifically; and how the same forces at work long ago are still at work in the environment today. But that’s a pretty Big Question in the panoply of Big Questions, certainly closest to us in terms of proximity and impact to our lives.

The land and its form, weather, and climate is the environment we live in, so it’s the best starting point to discuss all the Big Questions and put our lives in proper context with the cosmos. I call the collective work, Electric Earth Theory.

I’m going to tell you the ending for this book right up front so you know I’m being square and not just withholding for suspense. The very next chapter will describe how the continents were formed and the physics behind it, in a concise overview. But I’m writing a long book, so there has to be something to keep your interest through the next – however many – chapters.

So, big picture first, then we’ll work our way into the details. That’s ass-backward from how I figured it out, and writing this gives me a way to look from a new perspective, which will help to refine the theory. You’ll have to keep reading to get the details, but it’s astonishingly simple.

Also, it occurs to me I’ve acquired some insight few people in today’s world can lay claim to, so who I am might be of future interest. After-all, what I’m going to tell you will expand your imagination. It has to for you to comprehend the reality it presents. Forces of nature few have ever contemplated will be exposed.

Untitled 2Your getting it straight from the trailer park were I live, which is a pretty humble perspective. An unvarnished, earthy reflection on what is really important, which is a perspective I have because I don’t spend my time like most. I’ve taken to a semi-hermetic lifestyle that allows me to contemplate the Big Questions in the sublime quietude of a retiree’s mobile home park.

I’m not unique. There are others unlocking a Pandora’s box of neglected science. The mystery of the Holy Trinity – dielectricity, electricity and magnetism, is under scrutiny by modern-day Faraday’s using home-made ferro-fluids and powerful magnets. They are able to comprehend where formal science fails because they see with the wisdom and curiosity of fresh eyes and open minds, instead of dead-eyed conformance with the establishment.

Others are revealing how gravity is electric, how currents flow in space, how galaxies are fed and how stars are made. The revelations extend down to the atom and the nature of matter, the ether and how electricity is the grand unifying energy in Nature. We will explore some of these folks and their work.

So, I’ll dribble out the geo-morphological details along with a bunch of other stuff. This book will present (at least it will when edited) both a coherent look at nature and describe the elegant simplicity of its form, while I rant about some of the establishment’s monumentally stupid theories, and tell you some stories from my life – this last being for humor. In context, my theory and ravings might leave a trail of crumbs for future psychiatrists to ponder what kind of brain damage I’m struck with.

I will also reach out into realms I don’t understand, but strive to. These will be another source of entertainment and allow me a way to build suspense. There are mysteries down the road to keep you reading.

Along those lines, we’ll look deep into the past when ancient people on this Earth knew what I’m going to tell you. They left scratches in rock and stories about dragons, because they were trying to pass-on important information. We’re digging to the heart of the story of mankind, really, to take a holistic view at what we are, within the bounds of known physics.

We’ll look at arcane things like the Eye of the Sahara and discover how it was made, and why there are sea horses in Lake Titicaca. We’ll look at other planets in the Solar System and discover possible answers for anomalies that have never been adequately explained. We will certainly touch on Dinosaurs, and perhaps UFO’s, crop circles and Bigfoot.

One could easily call the theory and speculations I present the consequence of too much time on my hands, with perhaps a little too much vodka. But if you actually look at what I’m going to show, you will come to understand, because it is all anchored in observable nature and real, verifiable physics.

My observations are undeniably present and verifiable. It’s the interpretation that matters, and my approach works because nature is a simple thing. That what I present will be recognized by a few during my lifetime is all I expect, but it will outlast me and come to be understood with greater fidelity some time in the future. I hope my grandchildren will be proud.

Chapter 1 – Coronal Storms and the Violent Artist In Them

Earth’s continents lay like sheets of clay smeared over a baseball. The ball is a layer of basalt, covered by oceans two-thirds around. Over the rest, basalt is covered by cratons, or sheets of granite, that are in turn covered by layers of sediment and volcanic extrusion. These are the continents.

Conventional science holds to the notion these continents obey plate tectonics, which was arrived at by an interpretation of their shapes. The west coast of Africa seemed to nestle with the east coast of South America so well, they must have once been together. This reasoning led to other theories about how this came to be, and now plate tectonics is a virtual given in geo-science.

A piece of advice: don’t ever pick a trained geo-scientist to be on a competitive jigsaw puzzle team.

If one actually tries to fit the continental shapes together, like a jigsaw puzzle, they really don’t fit anywhere, except for the Africa/South America coast line. But, there are patterns that repeat all over the globe that resemble each other in uncanny ways, and much more precisely than the one piece that fits the Uniformitarian Bible.

I don’t think it’s because they haven’t noticed. Good Lord, Google Earth is free. Geologists aren’t like the proverbial weatherman who never looks out the window, are they? They must have noticed. I think it’s that their theories can’t provide an explanation, so they pretend the patterns don’t exist. But secretly, I have to believe they feel totally confused.

The patterns are there because they were formed by Coronal Storms that electroplated the face of the planet. The continents are the result of volcanoes bubbling stuff to the surface and coronal storms welding stuff on top. The repeating forms occur because electricity is a fractal phenomena. It repeats self-same heteromac forms in the same way harmonics emerge in sound.

That in a nutshell, is how the continents formed. Okay, I guess a little more detail is warranted, but some of you already know what I mean… right?

It’s the same thing that makes solar flares, the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, and other things people may, or at least should already recognize as coronal storms – or sun spots, or their prominence, called coronal loops. So let’s talk first about Corona. It’s one of my favorite beers.

I happened to be drinking one when I saw a coronal loop over my head. It was a strange cloud formation – huge in fact, spread across the entire southern sky. One of those high, thin layers of feathery cirrus formations making a coherent disc of concentric waves stretching maybe ten miles across.

It looked like a ray gun in space hit the outer atmosphere and rolls of concentric clouds spread out like waves in a pond, with interference patterns and delicate criss-cross standing waves embedded. Next to it, the same diameter, was a six-point star of horsetail filaments with a rising center. It looked like a compass rose. The two were obviously a pair, one the conjugate of the other. I suspect it was formed by a looping electric current that connected them to Earth.

Although I wouldn’t call it a storm, it was like the ghost of one advancing in a weather front moving over the area. The condensation was an ionization event, of the kind confirmed by Heinrich Svensmark in cloud chamber studies at CERN. Since it is a recent revelation that coronal loops have such significance to the environment, I took comfort in it’s confirming presence and savored my Corona while the rose flush of sunset lit the stunning clouds.

A corona is an electromagnetic plasma construct. That is, a self organized cloud of ionized gas in a high-potential electric field, where electrons are being stripped from atoms, leaving ions. Ions are charged gas molecules, or little clusters of atoms that define the species – oxygen, nitrogen, or hydrogen, say – that either have extra, or missing electrons, because the fast, free electrons flying about either attached themselves, or knocked another off, giving the species of whatever kind of gas it is, positive, or negative charge.

The free electrons continue to zip along the potential gradient of the field, knocking off more electrons and making more ions as long as the voltage stays high enough. It’s a domino effect. When the percentage of ionized species reaches about one percent of the ambient atmosphere, the result is a plasma. Plasma differs from neutral gas because it’s charged and behaves in response to electromagnetic influences.

Corona forms at interfaces. St Elmo’s fire is a form of corona that glows atop masts and steeples during thunderstorms. It’s because the supercharged electric field during a storm pools positive ions on the surface of the Earth, attracted to the highest and most narrow grounded points. There it glows, fizzes and spits as the activated plasma starts discharging.

Charge collects at an interface to create a corona because it’s like a seam between different fabrics. On either side is material of different dielectric property that the electric field spans across. The dielectric wants to keep a balanced electric field across it, so it pushes positive and negative charge in opposite directions until it accumulates at the seams.

But the seam has its own dielectric property because of surface tension and material differences that make it like a hill the charge can’t cross easily. Positive and negative charge lines up on either side of the hill forming what is called a double layer, where they face off like enemy soldiers in battle waiting for orders to attack, or in this case a big pulse in voltage to push them over. Positive accumulates on one side and negative on the other, in effect becoming plate electrodes, or in the case of narrow protrusions, point electrodes facing each other.

The corona is the massing of charge that forms a plasma sheath on the face of the electrode. It is the source of arcs and other forms of current discharge. The electrode itself doesn’t carry charge, it’s just the surface, or interface where charge collects. There is no need for a copper wire. This, by the way, is what baffles atmospheric scientists to this day – what generates arcs of lightning in thunderstorms. It’s a corona, but we’ll get into that later.

A coronal storm occurs when the Earth is put under electrical stress. That could be caused by Solar Wind, high energy cosmic rays, or a significantly large comet intruding to the inner Solar System. The events that cause coronal storms is something we’ll discuss more later, as well.


It’s effect on Earth is to compress the Earth’s electromagnetic field, charging its layers like a capacitor in a circuit. Ultimately, it energizes the atmosphere and lithosphere into layers of charge to the point they ionize into a partial plasma. Partial means some of the atmosphere and ground is still neutral, but an amount greater than one-percent is ionized.

To get a flavor for plasma, consider two types we all experience, lightning and flame. Flame is a partial plasma, or cold plasma, because not all the gas is ionized. Hot plasma in a lightning channel is a fully ionized gas.

In a flame, the oxidizing fuel emits ions but there is also a lot of neutral charge species caught-up with it, and it’s not in an intense electric field. Things aren’t moving very fast, so it waves around and gets blown in the wind, and the ions recombine very quickly into new gases like CO2 which extinguishes the flame in a short distance. Keep the wind away and it will conform to a more-or-less stable shape, however.

The lightning bolt, on the other hand, is a highly ionized channel in a high electric field and looks and acts differently. It ionizes air, heating it thousands of degrees across miles of sky in the blink of an eye. They are both plasma obeying the electric field, though to a different degree. At the cold end of the spectrum in a weak electric field, plasma behavior is flame-like, and at the hot end with a strong field, it’s a ray gun.

Under tremendous electrical stress, the atmosphere partially ionizes into coronal clouds that stratify in layers differentiated by velocity, pressure, temperature and electric charge. Energized by an electric field measured in billions of volts, facing each other like plate electrodes connected to a powerful battery, current flows across the gap.

Corona discharges current in different ways. There is lightning, or sparks of discharge in fully ionized channels. Then there are the glowing flames of discharge, like St. Elmo’s fire. And then there is dark discharge, which the eye can’t see.

All this current flowing from the corona interacts with the neutral species in the atmosphere to do some creative things, like whirlwinds and electro-kinesis, which is ionic wind caused by moving ions dragging neutral species with them. We use the effect in air ionizors and blade-less fans.

It can also machine surfaces by creating little puffs of discharge, called sputtering, that carve material away. We call it electro-dynamic machining (EDM), or etching when it’s used in manufacturing.

It also sticks things together, which we call electroplating and welding when we do it on purpose.

You see, almost every physical occurrence we will talk about here is something known about and used in applied science. We’ll not go into the details and complexities, and certainly not equations any further than needed to illustrate and give those interested a lead to follow. We won’t because I don’t know enough to go there. Getting the big picture doesn’t require it, though.

Electricity is confounding, so it’s no wonder it scares scientist bat-shit crazy. It does. They would rather wade through reams of equations than confront nature in its raw form. What is important to understand about electricity is that it scales, for all we know, infinitely. The spark from your finger and the five-mile long lightning bolt have the same morphology. So do humongous lightning bolts observed on Venus and Saturn. In every way they look and act the same, just at different scales and in different mediums.

If a tiny corona from a wire electrode under a few kilo-volt potential can circulate the air in a room, think of what one scaled up to global proportions in a field of over a billion volts would do. We are going to think about that next.

Sunspot – top view


What it would do, and did, is build continents with screaming supersonic winds, electric arcs spanning thousands of miles, boiling, fuming magma that erupted in chains of strato-volcanoes, and lightning bolts that welded mountains and split the ground. We are talking coronal storms here, folks.

Sunspots are coronal storms, the Great Red Spot is a coronal storm, so we have examples to look at. Let’s look at what they are and how they act.

This is a sunspot in the first image. Sunspots are coronal storms in the Sun’s hot plasma environment. They can last from days to weeks, showing in pairs of opposite polarity and often in clusters. Pair polarities swap between north-south to south-north orientation with the Sun’s  eleven year magnetic cycle. It’s been confirmed they have powerful downdrafts beneath them.

Coronal Loop – side view

Now look at what comes out of them in the second image.  Holy crap! You could throw Earth through that hoop. It’s called a coronal loop.

Now take a close look at the small, bright loop inside the giant arcs. I’m going to show you the same thing happened here on Earth.

First, we look at another coronal storm in the solar system to get a different perspective. The next image is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot in a NASA color enhanced image. Looping clouds appear in the red, just below the white clouds.

These are coronal loops – they look like the Roman arches of an aqueduct. There are several, but the lower, right arch is very distinct where it dives into a doughnut shaped cloud that looks like a drain. On the other side it rises higher, pulling a pillar of orange cloud with it. There appear to be two layers of arches, or loops, one above the other.


This is consistent with what a loop on Earth should look like judging from the footprints left on the Colorado Plateau. Jupiter’s atmosphere is cold plasma and less ray gun-like than the Sun. It’s fluid and chemically diverse, like Earth’s atmosphere.  Though Jupiter is a gas giant, and has no solid crust beneath the storm, the action of the storm system is sandwiched in a layer hydro-dynamically similar to the way Earth’s atmosphere is sandwiched between the ground and ionosphere.

Electrical compression and expansion of the boundary layers surrounding the storm, being sandwiched between strata above and below, and how that effects ionization in the region between appears to have a significant influence on the storm morphology. It’s worth noting that the Great Red Spot has been raging for centuries – as long a we’ve known about it. This image has a number of other features to discuss later, so we’ll see it again.

What makes it occur, at least in part, is a wave of polarity in the plasma. The wave of polarity stems from an offset between centers of charge distribution between the coronal cloud and ground. Since the ground is fixed, and the cloud isn’t, the offset is inevitable. The waveform, and it’s effects are governed by how the offset propagates as an Alfven Wave. The EM field, conforming to it, generates loops of current. In the hot plasma of the Sun, the rings build as current pushes outward, ultimately to break through the solar coronal atmosphere in a discharge, called a Solar Flare.


In the cold plasma atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, or Earth, the currents are not so high, are less collimated by magnetic flux and move much slower. The effects are seen in violent atmospheric winds and vortex storms.

On the ground, beneath one of these storms, what happens is depicted next. Beneath the updraft storm, the loop accelerates dusty wind to supersonic speed vertically through its eye, sweeping a pile of sediment beneath that forms a dome. On the downdraft side, the loop blows violent winds downward forming a crater-like depression. The winds are driven by electric current in a loop through the ground and the atmosphere. These dome and crater pairs are all over the world, but we’re going to look at North America first.


San Rafael Swell

This is San Rafael Swell in Utah, formed by an updraft, and the downdraft crater is next to it. Together they look like butterfly wings.

Google Earth – San Rafael Swell is northern lobe

The Swell, or updraft dome is ringed by rows of flat-iron mountains that look like rows of sharks teeth. The downdraft crater is also ringed by sharks teeth, only they point outward. I call these dragons teeth, or triangular buttresses, created by standing shock waves from ionized supersonic wind. You will be shown proof that shock waves made them.

Also note, the crater’s rim to the east conforms with the Colorado River and its tributary. This is no coincidence, because the river’s path was formed due to the electromagnetic event. So to, the mountains interior to the crater – they are the footprint left from a strong electric current.

And opposing the fulgamite mountains in the center of the crater, are canyon-lands eating deeply into the dome.

San Rafael2
Forested mountains are fulgamites in downdraft lobe – foreground; canyons are etched from the updraft dome – San Rafael Swell – background
San Rafael Reef outlines the updraft dome like rows of shark’s teeth
The reef is a windblown pressure ridge that displays harmonic reflections of shock waves

Now look how this pattern repeats, because we know these things like to cluster. Farthest left is the San Rafael Swell butterfly in Utah, then a pair for Monument Valley and Black Mesa, then the Chuska Mountains, Arizona and Zuni Mesa in New Mexico. Circulating the other way out-of-frame is a downdraft crater forming San Luis Valley, Colorado.

I could go on, but this is one cluster of similarly sized and shaped domes and depressions that formed the Colorado Plateau and central Rockies. The domes and depressions overlap older formations like new footprints over old, but the ones circled appear as the freshest, and apparently the last formations of the storm.


So what? Ovals on a map… who knows what’s really under those circles.

Those details have to wait, because it will take several chapters. The evidence is substantial, and has to do with mapping visual evidence of shock waves and supersonic winds, plus lightning, arcing, volcanic, EDM and flood features. Instead, for now, I’m going to show you something amazing. Back-up to a higher view, and you’ll see the pattern of the Great Red Spot in the following wind map derived from the orientation of wind formed mountains.


North America, shown sideways in the first image is annotated with tracing of supersonic wind and shock wave patterns clearly embossed on mountain features. The wind map displays wind patterns almost identical to the Great Red Spot, shown in the second image. The last image above is color enhanced and the shear zone between three circulating systems is marked in black. The same shear zone pattern appears in the first image, shown by heavy red lines.

The Spot is divided into multiple vortex counter-clockwise rotations, as is the Earth wind map, forming two major lobes, with three major inflows of vortex winds. One from the right, one from the left, and a slipstream flow from the right that curls over and down at the top, as if from the three points of a triangle.

Note the triangular positioned inflow winds in both images – Earth and Jupiter. This is a fractal element in a vortex formed by opposing winds. The location of the clustered coronal storms march along one side of the red division, the winds braiding their way up-and-down and around the storm system like crocheted yarn, making the ‘aqueduct’ structure in The Great Red Spot.

This is fractal repetition, in similar electromagnetic phenomena. The smaller coronal storms are embedded, or nested inside the larger one. Not convinced yet? Then let’s go small, and see what we find.

The next images are from the San Rafael Swell again, along the outer edge of the updraft dome. The Swell is about seventy miles across the long axis. Circled are butterfly wings along the rim of the Swell. They appear to be made by nested coronal loops that span the Swell instead of falling next to each other. The first two images are the updraft dome, which is 12 miles across. The next shows both updraft and downdraft. The final image is the downdraft crater, now farmland, approximately 20 miles across – an expression of fractal repetition.

Slide25Slide26Then there is this pretty little set of wings right between the wings of the San Rafael butterfly. These are only seven miles across, a self-same harmonic reflection one full order of magnitude smaller – another fractal repetition.


I count at least five layers of fractal repetition caused by coronal loops, covering three orders of magnitude in scale.

Coronal storms and coronal loops are verifiable stellar and planetary phenomena, and there is an abundance of morphological, geological and electrical evidence to support that it happened here on Earth. That is the path of discovery we are on and I guarantee it will yield answers to some Big Questions.

I’m also confident that forensic geologic study of the rocks beneath our feet will prove this to be true, eventually, once geologists start including some electrical engineering in their curriculum.  As we go, I’ll try making predictions they can verify.

The continent of North America was made in this way by coronal storms, but wasn’t an isolated event. It’s part of a squall line that spread from pole to pole. Anodes, or positive electrodes in the circuit, are the continents of North and South America, with South America’s centered near Nazca, Peru.


Cathodes, or negative electrodes are the deep-sea trenches in the Caribbean and South Atlantic, and though it appears covered over, one is assumed in the Arctic, where the loops burned out of the Earth’s interior through the crust.

Coronal storm system centered over the Colorado Plateau/Great Basin of North America
Coronal loops arced through the crust in the Caribbean
Coronal storm centered over Nazca, Peru
Coronal Loops erupted through the crust in the Southern Sea

The face of Earth was shaped by winds and lightning and tsunamis the storm system created, dragging with it material from the sea floor, mantle and crust, and plating it at anode spots that grew into continents. It spread into roughly triangular shapes and thickened to the west as the Earth rotated beneath the storms, being generated by some extraterrestrial source, leaving their most lasting and indelible imprint in the mountain arcs, deserts and plateaus of west-central North and South America.

The other continents will be shown to be made the same way, only it gets a bit more complex. But now that you have the concept, it will be easier to discuss.

A Note to the Reader

This is a raw draft, although I’ve edited each paragraph several times. It will be edited again, and again for clarity, grammar and relevance before it publishes. New information, better graphic depictions and input from others will improve it over time. You can help. You’re comments and likes are welcome. There’s nothing bleaker than a dark room and keyboard on a sunny day, when no one seems to be out there.

Don’t worry about the typo’s unless it’s something very sinister, or foolish that needs immediate attention. Constructive input and any support will be appreciated.

Articles with richer technical detail and less fun are available at and at this website for further reference. Bruce Leybourne and I are working on a true, no nonsense technical paper on the theory and our field investigations in Utah.

If all you have to say is I’m wrong and your right,  please try to hold your keyboard because I’m already aware my theory will conflict with most people’s belief system. You don’t have to tell everyone unless you have something pertinent to add to this discussion and can back it up, respectfully, not in the comments, but linked.

As chapters are added, they will be moved to a Page, where the book takes form as a whole. That is the place to see the entire work in progress and make comment. Thank you for reading.