The Holy Trinity: Energy, Information and Truth

Call it the Trinity of Natural Philosophy if you like, not to confuse with the spiritual. But it is one and the same, in the end, because it is all one circuit. The Holy Trinity is Energy, Information and Truth. That is what physics comes down to.

Fundamentally, energy is the thing physics examines. We examine it, fundamentally, by understanding the information carried in its amplitudes and wavelengths. One could say, energy, and it’s transmission in analog wave-forms constitutes information – or energy equals information – full stop. And finally, there is only one true interpretation of the waveforms. We call that the Truth.

Hence, Energy motivates, waveforms transmit as Information, and Truth is the hoped-for consequence – the Holy Trinity of physics. That’s one meaning anyway. The other meaning is God, and the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And as I said, they are one and the same. So let’s not beat around the burning bush, this essay is a proof of God – and physics.

There is a silent axiom to Electric Universe cosmology. That is, that the cosmos, in it’s entirety, and in it’s every part, is a circuit. We say “everything is electric”, but what that intrinsically means is that “everything is a circuit”, because one is the other. And one can readily relate at any scale, such as the fact that we humans are a complex, biological network of electric circuits that act and think as independent entities; or that a thunderstorm is an electric circuit; that the actions of energy at the quantum level display the “interconnectedness” of circuitry; same thing at the scale of the Solar System, the galaxies, the cosmos – circuits nested within circuits.

These self-similar patterns go on, right into the rocks of Earth, because the sub-atomic particles that form the atoms that form the crystals in rocks, like all matter, is made of standing waves of energy. The irreducible “particle” is not a product of “duality”, but of one thing: energy, trapped in a 3-dimensional circuit we call a plasmoid. The illusion of matter is a standing wave of energy, trapped by capacitance in a circuit. E=Mc2. Stop the energy in a standing wave and you get matter. It’s a phase change. Matter emerges from energy. It’s “condensed” energy created by capacitance in the circuit. This is just physics, folks.

Capacitance generates an electric field in opposition to the circuit it’s in, and interrupts the flow of energy, making a standing wave of energy. A plasmoid is a whirling dervish of energy, but it cocoons inside it’s own magnetic field, and shelters like a snail inside shells of spherical capacitance. It’s an electric bubble with a skin of capacitance and looping, magnetic braids of hair. Like a bubble in the wind, or a snail in the sea, it is in constant feedback with it’s surroundings.

It has it’s own internal electric field encapsulated within its spherical capacitance, which resonates with the ambient electric field. It is, in electrical terms, called an electret. An electret inducts energy from it’s surroundings with it’s magnetic field, stores it and sends it back in an open circuit fashion, the spherical capacitance being the means of storage. Hence, it is both an independent circuit of standing waves (a particle) and part of an ambient, or parent circuit that is in constant feedback with it, because it’s a part of the parent waveform, like a baby in a womb, a bubble in the wind, or a snail in the sea.

A circuit is an entity whos actions remain coherent with the energy of its parent circuit. Like Escher’s picture of the hands drawing hands, the actions of one influences outcomes in the other. Every circuit is fed energy from the parent circuit, does work for the parent circuit, and what energy it loses to entropy is re-organized in the parent circuit.

It has mass due to the dielectric energy trapped in spherical capacitance, and hence cannot exceed the speed of light. But energy can. And the energy of the plasmoid always resonates with the energy that created it, because it retains that sheet music of frequencies. It always echoes it’s parent’s energy. We call that quantum entanglement; interconnectedness; spooky action at a distance; “as above, so below”; the metaphysical, or if you don’t understand it, duality.

Circuits are why we see repeating self-similar patterns everywhere in Nature. Because circuits in Nature self-organize in fractal patterns of magnetic and electric induction as the flow of energy tries to balance itself with changing electromagnetic fields. The polarizing forces of electricity and time dependent, feedback-inducing magnetism play the same games again and again, like football players with a set piece of plays. They may switch-up the order of play, advance the ball in one instance, lose the ball to the opposition in another, but the motion of the players running set plays with the same boundary conditions, regardless of order or the other team’s feedback, over time begins repeating similar patterns.

The patterns are governed by the mathematical rules of dipoles, phase angles and frequency, yielding such “mysteries” as finding the golden ratio everywhere in Nature. Granted, much feedback, noise and destructive interference confuses the signal and results in chaos, which can’t be called simple. It’s only simple if you stay focused on root cause, and you ask questions pertinent to the truth.

Fractals are not just three dimensional geometries. They unfold over time, and so, are four dimensional “space-time” topographies. That is why history seems to repeat itself. It is why we are all OCD to some degree.

Besides being fractal, circuits think. Circuits cycle, they switch current paths, change frequency, amplify, cancel, resonate, calculate – not of their own accord, but in feedback with their environment. They receive and transmit with the bigger circuit they reside in. There is always the bigger circuit. It does not control, but influences, as does any circuit feedback.

We are such bubbles of circuitry. Bundles of organic matter pulsed with plasma and electric impulses. Our complex collection of cells, gut flora, and structured fluids are, in fact, a bundled harmony in constant feedback with the environment. My daily melancholy rises with every sunset, amplifies on Sunday, and peaks in the winter. Mountains are mournful, deserts are dreamy, I am puny in the face of a storm and deep water is terrifying. Synchronicities fill my life. There are no coincidences. What are these moods? Why does this happen?

Let me give you a hint: it’s not because of gravity. We are intimately, and sensitively interconnected to all around us. Unfortunately, many people limit their senses to the ones consensus science tells them to use. We have capabilities to sense beyond those recognized by the consensus. Our entire bodies are antennas to the frequencies around us, regardless of whether we are conscious of them or not. One can acquire better awareness. Considering all the frequencies in the cosmic bandwidth, and all the possible harmonies that could result, it boggles the mind what intelligence must reside around us.

Energy is what motivates. It travels in frequencies and amplitudes. Frequency and amplitude is raw information at it’s fundamental, irreducible level. Therefore it is the irreducible Truth. Knowing the Truth is the consequence of resonating with the cosmos and comprehending. That, and only that signal is the whole truth, any other signal is disinformation. Hence, there is only one truthful signal, and that is direct from the parent circuit.

There can be only one complete circuit that includes all circuits, that encompasses all energy, time and space, and knows the conduct of every minor circuit loop within it. Call it what you want, but God works for me.

That is why one can only know God in a personal way, where you speak directly with Him. No priest, pastor or Angel, let alone scientist, politician, or media can do it for you; they can only pollute His message. God is the Cosmic waveform that we are in feedback with. He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning to end, the entire circuit and all energy that suffuses the space and time it encompasses. You are either receiving and transmitting in constructive resonance, or you’re not.

It really breaks-down the whole cosmos to a black and white contrast between good and evil. Your transmissions create either constructive, or destructive interference that amplifies the cosmic waveform, or defies it. No one ever gets it perfect. You always have the opportunity to try.

This is why Truth is Devine. Finding the truth, about anything, is to do God’s work. To relentlessly pursue truth for the sake of truth is to follow God’s path. This I know, having fallen-off path a few times.

They say God is love, but there is no true love without truth. Respect for the truth is the essence of love and empathy for your fellow man, your society and yourself. And therein you find God. It is true He is love, because love is truth.

That is the Trinity. God is Energy, Information is the Holy Spirit that informs our path through life, and Truth is Christ, the human embodiment of unflinching truthfulness in the face of constant evil – the Satan of deceit. Christ is God’s model for us to follow. Energy = Information = Truth, the Holy Trinity. I hope that clears things up.

This comes to me because of my father. I was pondering his death, which occurred many years ago, and how my Mother had concern over his salvation. Dad never shadowed the doorway of a church, except for funerals and weddings. He did not worship. In spite of my Mother’s strong Southern Baptist beliefs, my father, like myself at that time, was agnostic. So, I know it wasn’t that he was an atheist, he just didn’t feel he had enough information.

As my knowledge has grown, my mother’s wisdom has caught up to me. This caused me to wonder if my fathers doubts about cosmic provenance might impede his ascendance to the higher networks of nested circuitry. I realized that it could not, because my father had faith in truth, above all else. He may not have lived to learn the ugly truths we are learning now, but his pursuit of truth was sure. Faith in truth is faith in God. If one knows God, one recognizes the truth.

Faith isn’t a matter of convincing yourself to believe something. It’s coming to the truth, about yourself, what you’ve done, or not done, and making a commitment to follow the truth, and take responsibility for it like a human being, not a slinking alley-cat. Belief comes from knowing your energy is devoted to the path of truth. That path, and that path alone will reward the follower with eternal life. Anything else leads to eternity in a labyrinthine cul-de-sac of deceit.

Atheist’s ask why we believe, but they don’t question why they doubt. It’s because they just can’t handle the truth.


10 thoughts on “The Holy Trinity: Energy, Information and Truth”

  1. Forgive me? 2 comments and haven’t even read your whole post yet!
    “As above so below”: see the overlay of the Orion’s Belt region onto a map of the Jeezah Pyramids complex. Hieroglyphs explain.
    Fun Fact: the current location of the star for Menkare indicates a build date of at least 10,000 years ago.
    CH-RIST, is Ch-ron (charon ferryman of the dead) in a different grammar, another language.
    SATAN by grammar: “of the city”… City / Seti / Satan.
    Seti’s godhead is the Aardvark a creature of the darkness, and the ant hill.
    Factor in the “root of evil” as City’s life blood, $. Add “sin” as debt, because that is all it is. Hard to mistranslate a 3 letter word.
    Rome’s plunder was a currency war.
    Predatory taxation led to forfeiture of properties and homelessness (the son of man hath not where to lay his head) just like today. Same chicanery that destroyed Germany.
    Today i realized with a gasp the point of “let who is without debt cast the first stone”. The woman was hooking to stay alive. At that juncture everybody felt the pain.
    FUN FACT again: Sermon on the Mount was about sharing. Miracle of the loaves and fishes was indeed a miracle… in a desert land they came for a day of lecture. Most brought food, beer or wine under their robes, contributing as the basket passed. The miracle was that jews shared!
    Segue to sharia. Sharia finance forbids compounding interest on mortgages, and forbids Fractional Reserve Banking: identical to Weimar Germany.
    Iran is in the crosshairs for the same reason… threat to jew banking. (if you keep up with the news there is no need to elaborate).
    Where sharing is verboten. Antithetical to the money game. Satan’s Game.
    Nuke israel.
    Jews are not a race but a conspiracy, and who is the genocidal “über-race” wannabe NOW?
    NOT “god’s chosen”, a Toxic meme.
    NOT righteous nor holy.
    Clueless to their own religion: an amalgam of stories misappropriated from cultures they invaded by stealth and destroyed by usury, inflation and deflation (see: Thomas Jefferson)
    “Jew” derives from the “Gu” of Guiseppe (Joseph in the Pit. see : hieroglyph for brewer)
    etymology: fermented broth a.k.a. beer. The brew brothers, Joseph’s Bros.
    A conspiracy among the first commercial drug dealers peddling that old demon alcohol.
    Bad neighbors. Ask the Philistines.
    And YOU are next, we are all “philistines” in their mandate from “god” to eradicate all goyim.
    F’ Benjamin Nazi-Yahoo!
    … now where was i?
    Oh, trashing religion, had enough?
    Plenty more proofs of fraud and chicanery in the bible alone.
    I like your screed better, Andy, its great fun and profound wisdom.
    Delete this if it’s offensive to you.
    (done plinking for the day)


  2. Extrapolated fabrication.
    see: Jill Bolte Taylor’s TED Talk where she describes the right-brain experience: THAT is the bliss, peace, and love they talk about being the “god” experience.
    Words only work in the left-brain, so the farther you delve into logic and word play and “values”… the further you go in the wrong direction. What you want is the right-brain excursion.
    Upon crossing over to where your face shuts up for a second (“to take a single conscious breath without discursive thought”, song title by Outersect) and ego evaporates and you are observing rather than projecting… (doubtful an “old dog” can do this) … You are going to lose your religion.
    If LIFE is the 5th Dimension, then you have entered #6.
    BUT “… few there be that find it.”
    That Eye of the Needle parable is mocking the rich for being stuck in the left-brain of desire and aversion, of worry and acquisition, scheming abd conniving. Unable to release your grasp or cease grasping for more. And to compound the frustration the left-brain is Certain that IT is all there is to you. You can’t reason with it to go away. It must be choked out.
    Qaph is the Arab word for “Q” also for “to thread the needle”.
    Camels, mon frer, often get hurt and frequently die of injuries obtained in copulation attempts. Thus its an Arabic joke: Easier for a Camel to fuck than for a rich man to achieve the Aethernal Life excursion. Zero volition after you die… you must do this while alive. And you cannot stay for long. Nor do you need to.
    Re-ligion etymology is “held back”.
    The Trinity is a real world thing. Father is Atem the creator god.
    Son o’ the Sun? Jason, with 12 companions also. Latinized to jesus.
    Easter is Astraea, commemoration of the 4/9 meteor shower peak.
    EVERYBODY knew the truth, because its RIGHT THERE IN THE NAMES!
    (12,000 year old stories rehashed but intact UNTIL the jews ruined it with bullshit)
    Then there is the ghostly tail. For this comet a pale yellow night sky FULL of the harmattan gone mega. Harmegattan raining down hot rocks. Followed promptly by Maci-ah, i.e. high starvation, emaciation that “takes you to meet your maker”.
    Your prose is delightful, Andy.
    Stay left-brain all you want.


  3. I appreciate your willingness to follow your heart.
    The divide between physics and Spirit is a human thought construct.
    Much of what we misinterpreted to be mechanism is because of what we look with or in a sense through.

    I tune into the psychics of charge relations and watch its interplay unfold as well as discerning within a field that is not separate from or controlling over but embracing. This awareness is relational, and sometimes I think I am what I think I am – which is an image or object model.

    Desire to experience draws a focus within awareness as relational differentiation.
    The reintegrative is not merely toward balance, but coherence or transparency to awareness of inner & outer as one.


  4. On the surface you are totally right but when we go deeper there is One Big Elephant in the room and that is called= The Mother – The Source of All Live. That is beneath this circuit-matter-universe and so the reality is The Mother + The Father= Rebirth or in the characteristics of it: give birth (The Cause of Creation, the Father) + stow (impel)= The Motherhood and then The Father: the visible effect, The Visible Creation and these 2 together you get rebirth, evolution into new potentials. With this you can explain ALL Creation bc everyone still misses the missing link and that is: feeling (Motherhood, wisdom, invisible, intuition,…) and so I say that all is connected behind the visible with a web of feeling, intuition and therefor there can be two parts farfar away but still connected. Not explainable on &with the visible surface of Creation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do not understand: “Desire to experience draws focus within awareness as relational differentiation.”
      The “elephant in the room” is the aether, which I don’t discuss intentionally because I can’t fully explain it, but it’s probably the sea of neutrinos (the irreducible plasmoids) we reside in. Feelings, intuition and wisdom is true information so that’s analog waveforms. I don’t think gender identity is necessary for the cosmos. That sounds very “woke”. Newsflash: “woke” is dead.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know because most people cannot understand it. I am also just a beginner but this is totally new thinking. It is the reality behind the scenes and then we come into the realm of the Soul. The Soul is the One that builds up our body trough Light and so through our DNA. The Soul descend when sperm meets egg and the Soul is and has all the feelings from the start. It is our job through our personality & deeds to get this Godly feeling step by step in the open to experience it. Then we are right for the next level (some call it dimension, sphere, …) That is how we evolve and The Universe is not that different bc The Source of All Live, and where this Creation comes from, is also Soul with Feelings. That is how She communicates and we all have a spark of Her Soul because that is what Love does and we also communicate through our Feelings. Big point to see & think about in live bc thoughts are not the cause in reality but the effect. You feel bad, so you do lesser things maybe or you feel good & great and go make something or help others. She, The Source of All Live, wants to give herself and here we are. So the aether in the back is more like a web of feelings. Is all connected through these vibrations of feelings. Take intuition for example and everyone has some dealings in life when you ‘feel’ to do something. Not trough and from thoughts, but there is something in back. You do then that deed that you feel you need to do and it worked out perfectly. You were now further then you where before that intuition. It has learned you something profound but it can also be some less profounder, but still a step further than you where before that in live. The Universe vibrates also trough feelings to keep it all perfectly in check. Seems a lot of chaos out there, but the Order is to find behind the chaos and then you get to see the Laws of Nature really in action and that all works through that example of intuition that I have gave you, but on a much much bigger scale & consciousness and not once here or there but ALL the time. Better said, ALL in the moment of NOW bc She cannot do otherwise. Look at yourself, but foremost look at your wife of girlfriend. How does she what & when she does it? She (her Motherhood so not here personality ofcourse) is the representation of Her that created our Souls. Of course here on this planet we start from unconsciousness to consciousness and when we are at a level that is kind, wise, etc… We learned all the lessons we needed to learn here, Mother Earth let us go and we go then to the next plane (Spheres) until we are all back in The Source of Live that created us all, but now we are conscious AND we have the whole Creation under our Hearth. We can say then that we are Gods but we need to learn it all before we can say that. Christ is the Best Example of that but not the weak one like in the Bible. That unconditional kindness is why we know of Him 2000years later still and will also be 10 000 and 100 000years later. Is our Brother of course but until we are there where He is, He is our mentor.

        So your last sentence I would turn that around. I know you are a man (me to) and we think that way, but a woman is in her body much closer to The Source of Live and she would see that otherwise. In my words I can say that his is an Effect but not the Source of these particles:

        “neutrinos (the irreducible plasmoids) we reside in. Feelings, intuition and wisdom is true information so that’s analog waveforms”

        But the Source of it All is not to comprehend in data! That is not how the Universe operate at a Source level. An effect level yes and we need to know and learn that also of course but without the wisdom to comprehend it all, we are still just thinking in pieces and bits. Take for example: when you sit down and close your eyes and when you begin to get the thoughts more and more disappear, you begin to feel more of yourself in the deep and can you comprehend that as data? As random particles,…?

        Also the three Pillars of All live here and above is based on Motherhood + Fatherhood= Rebirth and it is not about gender at all. Gender is what we make of it, but in reality there is no gender bc we are also Both. Take our Soul (= feeling, =Mother) and our personality, thoughts & the deeds that comes from it is Father, it creates. It is visible to all. Our Soul is where our feelings comes from and She impel (I am Dutch and is hard to find the right words sometimes for this in English so excuse me for that) us when we are doing the good deeds. We feel greater then we wore before these thoughts & deeds IF they were wise, good,.. of course. What was Socrates doing and asking? Is all connected. What is the condition when you feel great and all goes perfect at that time? What is the Source of it? etc… That is what the old wise people like Socrates, etc where feeling. They feel that there was more to us then just thoughts and indeed this goes much much deeper and so also The Universe. Our Moon is Mother, our Sun is The Father, Earth and Mars are their daughters (I call these Mother planets) and they are of course Mother. All the outer planets are between Mother & Father, but all have an unique task. But we need to look at all of these in our self because there lies all the answers and the Three Universal fundamental Laws, we need to see that also in the characteristics of Mother + The Father & the Rebirth. Try this with neutrinos for example. I do not know is it a mother particle, a father or a Rebirth of two other particles that came together and made a neutrino. That is above my pay grad, but you get the big picture. 1+1=1 and there a grades and transitions and then there is another 1+1=1 and then two latest 1 ones can create a next 1+1=1 and you can explain to Macro things above our heads with it, but also the Micro bc The Natural Laws are everywhere the same and when a level (dimension) higher, it creates higher more finer things….

        Just think know like a woman if you could and if you have that ‘data’ of her and you do 1+1= you get a newer and higher inside and so we evolve= evolution of consciousness and all is live. Death is just going from a level to the next level and so is The Universe bc it works all the same.


  5. Just as we have beings made of matter and energy, so too we have aetheric beings. Parts of God. Souls. They attach to animals. They exert influence over them. They are more connected to one another, obviously, than animals are.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The Universe is aether. Aka God’s love to religious types!
    That exerts pressure. Just as being in the sea does.
    The repulsion causes gravity, whereby two bodies, for example, block the repulsion on each other and thus are attracted.
    All matter and energy is under this pressure. Simple!
    Energy makes matter at the standing waves surrounding large objects, such as stars. The aether disturbance, or LOGOS, causes ripples and these bounce off matter. The disturbance knits protons. Aether disturbance is energy or electromagnetism….
    This is a simple universe, but complex in operation and made more so by those who need to occupy those who would otherwise cause chaos.
    Accept that you need leadership and you will be calmer!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. “Atheist’s ask why we believe, but they don’t question why they doubt. It’s because they just can’t handle the truth.”

        By the same reasoning and logic just used, inverting the question, could equally be ‘Theist’s ask why we doubt, but they don’t question why they believe. They just can’t handle the truth.’

        The two questions go the same distance which, from my perspective, is nowhere useful.

        Doubt is a precious gift, it paved the road which compelled you in this work, to challenge, and kudos to you for it.

        The truth? Your theories and supporting evidence speak for themselves, Nature always wins in the end. A Deity is not required for the the theory to succeed but neither is it excluded and may sit very well with it. Isn’t that a win for everyone? …and no one was asked or expected to bow, which is an even better result.


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